Your Perfect Morning Routine

Arpita Boyd has got a fun checklist for you! It will help power-up your mornings and get your day off to a great start with an energy boost.

The best part is, you can do everything on this list and NOT add any extra time to your routine!

In fact, everything on this list will make your existing routine more enjoyable.

1 – Wait 30 minutes before scrolling your phone. This sends a strong message to your subconscious. It tells it YOU are in charge of your day, and not your phone or what’s happening in the news or on social media. I love this tip!

2 – Splash your face (or entire body, via a shower if you are bold enough) with cold water. Cold water can boost your energy. It results in dilating your blood vessels, increasing your heart rate and circulation.

3 – Drink water BEFORE caffeine. Your body has been without hydration all night long. Being even a little dehydrated (just 2%!) can sap your energy. Soak your insides with a big glass of water before you sip that coffee…. and you too could achieve sensational results like my clients do. 

4 – Supercharge your water. Add 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and a dash of cinnamon, turmeric, and cayenne pepper to your water. This will start your day off with a healthy kick of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and may help your body balance blood sugar. There’s even some evidence it can help with appetite control.

5 – Let the natural light shine in! Open up those curtains in the morning. This helps reset your body’s internal clock to wake up earlier, as well as naturally boost your energy.

6 – Listen to your favourite songs while you go through your morning routine.Studies show music can boost your mood as well as make you more alert! And it’s a lot more calming than a rundown of the latest news. I listen to Dean Martin’s “Volare” 🙂

7 – Do something FUN. If you have a smart device like an Alexa, try playing “question of the day” while you go about your routine. It will give your brain a challenge first thing. I play with my rescue pup from Mauritius, Georgette.

8 – Light a naturally scented candle or turn on a diffuser that contains energizing organic essential oils. Anything in the citrus or mint families can help rev you up.

9 – Change into real clothes if you work from home (and especially if you don’t 😉 ). wearing pyjamas all day is so 2020!

10 – BONUS TIP! Start your morning with a protein packed breakfast. 

I hope this list gave you a few ideas for changing up your morning routine to make it more energizing! 

You’ll be surprised how something that seems so small can change your day in a BIG way. 

Arpita Boyd started her career as a professional architect in Dubai in 2001. After having her 2nd baby in 2008, and losing 23kgs, she changed careers to become a fitness and weight loss expert in 2010. Since then, she has done 10,000+ coaching sessions, helped thousands of women lose weight, increase their self confidence and fit back into their favourite outfit without giving up all the foods they love, has clients in 27 countries, 16 professional qualifications in health, fitness, nutrition & yoga and has assisted some of the top athletes on the planet including Rafa Nadal & Novak Djokovic.

She can be contacted on (Preferably)