Your hair deserves all the TLC

In terms of personal hygiene, taking care of one’s hair is crucial for women and men alike. No one likes to face the world with unmanageable, unhealthy hair. Taking care of your hair involves more than just washing it; it also requires regular grooming measures like keeping it hydrated and cleansing regularly, says Dr. Abhishek Pilani, MD Dermatologist, Founder – Assure Clinic.

It has been often suggested by doctors that adequate water intake will improve our hair quality and speed up hair growth. It’s possible that you’re not getting the amount of water in your diet that your body needs. Dehydration occurs when there is a lack of water in the body. And yet, many are unaware that this condition has a direct impact on hair growth. For vitamins to work their magic on your hair, water is essential.

It’s hard to believe, but nearly 25% of a hair’s total mass is water. Drinking at least two litres of water daily promotes healthy hair growth and strengthens existing hair. The majority of the water in the human body (55-65%) is contained within the cells (water located inside the cells). Dehydration occurs when your body loses too much water through the cells.

Dehydration makes skin dry and brittle, so it’s also important to drink a lot of water for a healthy scalp. If your hair follicles don’t get enough water, your hair will become dry and brittle, and it may even stop growing. The hair follicles need nourishment from both the outside (from products) and the inside (from food) to grow and stay healthy. The health of your hair and body needs to drink enough water.

The products you use on your hair can only do so much, so it’s also important to keep it hydrated from the inside out. Moisture levels in healthy hair are higher by default. For instance, silica supplementation in the diet can reduce dryness. Dryness and brittleness can also be prevented by eating foods rich in essential fatty acids or EFAs. Given that keratin is the main structural protein in hair, getting enough protein in your diet is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Hair that is deficient in the amino acids provided by protein is fragile, dry, and lifeless. While meat is the most obvious choice, other sources of protein for our hair include eggs and beans.

One of the most essential steps in maintaining healthy hair is keeping it clean. To explain, there are five main types of shampoos, and these are all based on the types of surfactants they use: anionic, cationic, amphoteric, nonionic, and natural. Each category offers its unique formula for taming unruly locks. This may seem complicated, but learning about the detergents will help you choose the best shampoo for your specific hair issue and ensure that the benefits of cleansing follow.

Among the most essential steps in maintaining healthy hair is keeping it clean by regular cleansing. Regular washing stimulates new hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp. You can get rid of a smelly scalp by using a hair cleanser as a detox. It’s fine to skip a day or two between shampoo washes as long as you give your scalp a good cleansing every time you do wash your hair. You should also know that using a hair cleanser on your scalp will help clean your scalp and open your pores, but that you should still use a hair conditioner afterwards. In turn, hair conditioners aid in preserving the health of your scalp and hair by preventing moisture loss. Conditioners are what you use to keep your hair healthy and hydrated throughout its length.

Another important point to remember is that you do not have to use cleansers every day. Even if you have oily hair, thrice a week is a good number of times to cleanse and condition your hair, and too many hair washes can easily lead to dry hair. The final point to remember is that the proper way to use a hair cleanser can mean the difference between a good and bad hair day.

Dr. Abhishek Pilani, MD Dermatologist, Founder- Assure Clinic