Wood Therapy works!

Viki Shah tried out a Maderotherapy session at Paus Wellness and came back convinced that Wood Therapy definitely works! Maderotherapy originated more than 100 years ago in Columbia. It’s name comes from the Spanish word Madero which means wood and therapy that means healing with wood. Maderotherapy is a vigorous massage technique that utilizes handheld bamboo tools to aid in lymphatic drainage and reduce or eliminate cellulite and water retention.

As Laura Zuffova, the therapist at Paus Wellness explains, one can never stress enough on the importance of regular lymphatic drainage massages. The lymphatic system is our body’s ‘sewage system’. It maintains fluid levels in our body tissues by removing all fluids that leak out of our blood vessels and is important for the optimal functioning of our general and specific immune responses.

Body Maderotherapy is a targeted-pressure massage with specially designed bamboo instruments that roll over your body’s curves. This body sculpting treatment involves movement techniques that are applied on the muscles, fat deposits and cellulite areas. This stimulates the lymphatic system, helps release toxin build-up, and burns fat. Other benefits are: removes cellulite pockets, decreases skin swelling and helps with the orange peel syndrome. It is an anti-cellulite and slimming therapy based on anatomical suggested tools produced from beech and bamboo, that make this therapy 100% natural. People say that bamboo is magic for the body.

Facial Maderotherapy contours your face naturally.  Our facial muscles work exactly like the muscles in our body. And it needs a good massage too, not just facial skin treatments. The secret is in 4 specially designed wooden elements for facial maderotherapy, which stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, improve blood circulation, remove unwanted fat and thus strengthen and tone the skin. They shape the face as well as the neck. The end result is rejuvenated and firmer skin. Both men and women can enjoy this facial.

Why Maderotherapy?

– 100% natural, non-invasive method, without contraindications

Proper use of anatomically designed wooden instruments with adequate pressure enhances the breakdown of the fat and fibrous cellulite, so it can be naturally eliminated by other toxins. In laser or ultrasonic cellulite reduction or liposuction, we focus only on the problem without eliminating its cause. If we only removed the fat, we did not change anything in our bodily functions. Wood therapy is different. Maderotherapy stimulates blood circulation and lymph outflow, speeds up metabolism, so its effects last longer than the therapy itself. It reduces water retention and removes toxins from the body.

– It offers fast and visible results in shaping the body, losing cm and reducing the appearance of cellulite, which increases the confidence and enthusiasm of clients.

– Wood Therapy was awarded Best New Natural Anti – Cellulite Treatment in 2018.

– Wood therapy enhances the breakdown of fats and fibrous cellulite, so it can be naturally eliminated by other toxins. This technique uses repeated movements using various wooden tools to manipulate target areas of muscle, fat and toxins from the body.

A series of 10 treatments is required to achieve the desired results.


– Immediate smoothing of small and mimic wrinkles

– Double chin removal

– loss of excess water in the face (removal of swelling and puffiness around the eyes and face)

– the slimming effect of the face, the so- called V-shaped emerges after a few treatments.

– increases skin elasticity

– immediate lifting effect

– prevents the formation of wrinkles

– increases blood circulation, enables better skin breathing, supports regeneration

– pleasantly relaxes

– reduces tension in the face

Viki’s Experience: Initially the bamboo tools seemed a bit daunting but when Laura explained the purpose of various tools on different parts of the body and we began, the repetitive movements with the tools to manipulate the stubborn areas of fat on the thighs, buttocks and arms was surprisingly relaxing. It also helped loosen up the tight muscles resulting from an intense workout session. The therapy helped a lot with water retention and the puffiness seemed to have lessened considerably just after a single session. Overall the release of toxins that are built up in the system from food and the environment, felt very good and helped jump-start the metabolism to assist with fat burning.

For those on medications and with certain conditions, please consult the doctor or therapist before you begin the treatment.

Laura Zuffova:

Born in Slovakia but resident in many different countries, Laura has always loved working, travelling and meeting people from all over the world. After 15+ years in the corporate world and raising her children, Laura decided to follow her passion for healthy lifestyles and Pilates. She became a Pilates instructor and realized she just loved helping others with their body issues.

Whilst teaching Pilates Laura came across many women who were struggling with issues of water retention, cellulite and “slow metabolism” and wanted to help even further. This is when she decided to take a course on Maderotherapy. At this time Laura also met the best therapist for lymphatic drainage in Czech republic who has trained and mentored her in this exciting new area of body wellbeing.

Laura quickly fell in love with this therapy as she saw the positive impact she was having on her clients. Laura’s first client was having water retention issues, was in menopause and simply could not lose the extra weight and bad cellulite. After 9 sessions her client’s period came back, she has lost 6 cm around the belly and 3 cm around the legs. Now Laura is a staunch advocate of maderotherapy and the many amazing benefits this therapy has to offer. She wants to help as many ladies as possible benefit from this naturally healing and effective therapy.

Visit https://www.pausdxb.com/ to book your session today!