Wildlab: Healing the skin inside out

Usually the immune system reacts to protect the body and aids in healing. However, sometimes an immune system reacts adversely, affecting healthy tissues causing inflammation and issues with the skin. Allergic and inflammatory skin disorders are caused by immune system reactions. As the body’s largest organ, our skin reflects our internal health—a healthy digestive and immune system means healthy skin. When inflammatory breakouts such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, hives, acne or psoriasis start appearing on your skin, they are often highlighting an imbalance within the body. wildlab, is a natural skin and health supplement brand that addresses acute and chronic skin conditions by targetingthe rebalancing of the internal immune system. Backed by extensive scientific research and clinical testing, wildlab’s products are made with high-quality and clean ingredients that are proven to be effective and safe for everyone, including young children with sensitive skin. We tell you all you want to know about wildlab.

How did Wildlab come about?

– Wildlab’s journey to health began with the founder James Hahn’s youngest son who had been suffering from serious eczema (atopic dermatitis) since birth. After failed attempts with countless concoctions of skincare products from all over the world, they discovered an approach to target the repair of his autoimmune system. This approach is based on the understanding that an underlying weakness in the immune system is one of the primary reasons for skin inflammation and complications including eczema and acne. This process developed alongside dermatologists and nutritional scientists repairs the skin from the inside out by enhancing the core immune system. With dramatic improvements in their child’s eczema symptoms, they wanted to share it with the world and continue to develop products and formulas that would keep the family strong and healthy.

Who can use these products?

– The products are intended for all ages, for everyone in the family!

Would the same formula work effectively on all, irrespective of their varying conditions?

– Hippocrates said it best: all disease begins in the gut. We are also seeing an increase in studies that focus on how the majority of our health conditions are results of internal inflammation. Simply put, yes, the same formula would work effectively on varying conditions.

The nutrients in the products are specifically formulated to supplement common deficiencies in our modern diet that keep our bodies from functioning at their full health and potential. How effective and fast results would show, however, depend on each individual. For example, lactoferrin, the same protein that is found in breast milk, has many beneficial properties such as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and iron metabolism. This may appear as reduced inflammatory skin conditions (acne and eczema) more profoundly in one person, while another experience improved digestive and gut health. Some may not see or feel any difference during the first months and simply bypass the common cold. In any case, our bodies absorb and utilize the nutrients as they rebalance our immune and gut health. Healthy, glowing skin is a reflection of the inner state of our body, and we want your beauty to radiate from the inside out.

wildlab’s best-selling range includes the essentials to treat atopic dermatitis, acne, and sensitive skin and radiate beauty from the inside out:  Skin’Pure®, Premium Multivitamin Supplement, and Active Care Cream. These products aim to bring out your inner glow—replenish common nutrient deficiencies and strengthen the immune system to help combat internal inflammation that cause flareups on the skin.

wildlab is more than just a skincare routine. It presents a safe, clean, and effective product range that focuses on maintenance of overall health and immunity. Its Glutathione and Vitamin C liposomal supplements effectively transport powerful antioxidants into the body to maximally absorb up to 95% of the nutrients without going to waste—once the vitamins enter the body, they get to work! wildlab also recently launched its GutCare Probiotics for greater gut health, a product for those struggling with symptoms of leaky gut syndrome.

Consistent usage of wildlab’s products not only enhances skin health but some of its key positive results also include regulated digestion, stronger hair and nails, better moods, reduced fatigue and quality rest, improved blood flow, efficient recovery from chemotherapy and cataracts surgery, amongst other signs of improved overall health. With firsthand proven results and the growing demand for safe and clean products for inner beauty, skincare and immunity, wildlab’s products are increasingly popular internationally, including South Korea, USA and Dubai.

wildlab products are available on www.wildlabskincare.com with international shipping and prices starting from AED 110.