Followd decodes the four colour personality theory.

We  all  have our own personalities – nuances and traits that make us who we are. These traits determine how we react to situations, solve problems or even how we get along or clash with other people. There are many theories or tests that help people identify their personality type and while they might not be 100% accurate, they give us a basic understanding of the driving forces behind our actions and decisions.

One such personality test is the ‘Four Colour Personality Test’ wherein experts have determined that there are four basic personality types – yellow, red, blue and green.

why should we identify our personalities?

Corporate companies use the test to determine how best to address each personality type in order to create a harmonious and productive environment. As an individual, understanding our personality helps us to better understand ourselves and open ourselves to at least try and understand others as well.

Psychologist Dr Anjali Chhabria avers, “Understanding your personality  helps identify your strengths and the not so strong areas of your personality. When we know our weaknesses, we can work towards overcoming them.”

She adds, “Understanding also gives you a better perspective of yourself and others and how best to react when faced with a situation. In any profession, 50% is knowing the business and 50% is dealing with other people. It is equally important to understand your own self and also understand people. The same can be applied to personal relationships. What happens is that many-a-time we blame other’s for our problems but the test helps one realize that the problem is not the other person, but our reactivity.”

colour code

Let’s take a look at the four colour types and their defining traits.

Please note: Most individuals are blends of two dominate colours and will thus see overlaps in the colour traits.


Happy-go-lucky yellows treat life like one big party. They are warm and good at building relationships. They are the loudest, most vocal of the four types and are often the glue that holds groups together.  They are relationship focused and like to move around in packs, tell jokes and speak with free flowing gestures. They are not fussy about time.

Yellows control situations by using ideas and emotions. When faced with a stressful situation, they are likely to seek out friends and drink it out. Most yellows fear rejection.

They are often described as animated, enthusiastic, fun-loving, outgoing, persuasive and dynamic.




  Willing to initiate projects and take risks

  Likes to help others

  Verbally articulate


  Following through

  Overestimating results

  Acts impulsively

  Over commits

  May become unfocused

Needs To Learn

To respect and pay attention to details/ facts

  To invite and listen to other people’s ideas

  To be aware of time

Task-oriented reds

are strong leaders.

They seek immediate results and are resentful

of restrictions.


Task-oriented reds are strong leaders and have  low tolerance for indisciplined attitudes. They like recognition and being on the move.  They seek immediate results and are resentful of restrictions. They like being in control and express facts and opinions strongly.  They like expensive/ showy things.

Reds control situations with authority and proof. When faced with a stressful situation, reds most likely seek out strenuous activities like running or boxing. Most reds fear failure.

They are often described as forceful, efficient, decisive, frank, independent and practical.


  Good leader

  Makes quick decisions


  Takes charge of situations

  Disciplined about time



  Inflexible/ demanding of others

Difficulty building relationships that will support them

  Insensitivity towards others

  Overlooks risks

Needs To Learn

  To be sensitive to others

  To slow down and listen to others

  To realize the importance of supportive relationships and networking, and of being supported

Blues prefer one-to-one interactions or small groups over solitary activities or large groups. They spend time building relationships.


Loyal and caring, blues are often perceived as quiet, shy individuals. They express ideas after all others have spoken and are willing to go along with the group decision. They have a tendency to put people ahead of tasks and prefer one-to-one interactions or small groups over solitary activities or large groups. They spend time building relationships.

Blues control situations through personal relations and playing mediator. When faced with a stressful situation, blues most likely seek a creative outlet.  Most blues fear being criticized.

They are often described as agreeable, supportive, patient, loyal, mediating and tactful.





   Perceptive and understanding



   Proposes things hesitantly – almost apologetically


   Hesitant to try new things

   Low self-esteem


Needs To Learn

   To initiate tasks and conversations

   To risk airing their perspective

   To speak out in the group and not around its edges


Cool and calm greens don’t get frazzled easily. They are supportive and agreeable and often play mediator in sticky situations. They are good listeners but tend to express ideas  tentatively and hesitantly. They like to avoid conflict and are overly lenient with people. They emphasize careful work and quality, prefer options and may like to work alone. They make sure they have as much factual information as possible and take decisions slowly, attentively and carefully. They can’t say no to people.

Greens control situations by being thorough. When faced with a stressful situation, greens most likely sleep it off. Most greens fear being taken advantage of.

They are often described as systematic, logical, thorough, serious, careful and perfectionists.



   Good self-control


   Focuses on small details



   Resists change



   Overly possessive

   Lacks initiative

Needs To Learn

   To decide more quickly

   To value feelings/ emotions and be aware of them

   To risk showing feelings

how to interact with…

Yellows: Socialize before mentioning any business. To break the ice, talk about options and other people. Be enthusiastic and energetic  while speaking to them or conveying ideas. Be quick when offering your ideas, spice things up with humour and acknowledge their input. Don’t try to inhibit their creativity or appear aloof.

Reds: Get down to business quickly. Be precise and give them facts without too much detail. Talk to them about results and outcomes. Be confident. Don’t be vague or ramble.

Blues: Be prepared to discuss things in detail. Be factual, specific and logical in your approach. Listen to what they have to say and give them time to respond. Try not to be flippant or pushy. Don’t be too emotional.

Greens: It is important to develop trust first. Be friendly and show genuine interest in them. Be alert for non-verbal signs of concern. Allow them to weigh things for themselves. Don’t put them on the spot or dominate the conversation. Try not to be insincere as they pick up on it easily.

The Good: Colours aren’t merely associated with various feelings but can actually shape our perceptions and personalities.

The Bad: Colour may influence a person’s mental or physical state.

The Trendy: This colour personality test is going crazy on TikTok.