The Hydra Facial Experience

Why you may never go back to a normal facial again?

I was way overdue for a facial. In between working as multiple hands in my brand, keeping up with the mommy role to my 15-year-old techie brat, to attending home callings (not to miss the kitchen rules) to being Faculty, time for self-care especially skin care, slid to the bottom of the pile. So, when I had an opportunity to do a HydraFacial at Nova Clinic, Jumeirah, I took it with a wholehearted “ohh yes,” says Priyanka Sarkar.

I walked into the lobby, which smells like—and I don’t know why I was surprised by this—lemon grass. After filling out initial paperwork which is a trip down your medi lane, I was shown the treatment room, painted in calming white and grey tones. A monitor played a series of soothing nature photos set to calming spa music followed by auto loop videos about the clinic. I wrapped up in a soft grey cotton towel robe and waited a moment for Jessica, my Hydra Facialist.

Now, when you’re tired, when you’re embarrassed you haven’t had a facial since the start of 2021, when you’re in early 40s and your vanity takes a hundred little hits every day, Jessica is the person you want to see. She’s the perfect combination of professionalism and empathy. She’s got 14 years of experience and can pinpoint exactly what your skin needs.

Getting into the Groove

I stretched out on the treatment table, a light spread under my knees, a towel blanket on top of me. Even without the facial, this moment of peace would have been worth the trip. The AC was adjusted to my preference which calmed me down further.

Jessica explained the process, showing me a wand that’s roughly the size and shape of a large a permanent marker pen, connected by vacuum tubes to a console containing a cleanser, hydrator and moisturizer. At that moment I felt like a rabbit subject of experimentation seen in sci fi films. “There are various tips I’ll switch out during the facial,” she said, snapping on a blue exfoliator to the end of the wand. She explained that she’d make decisions on which serums she’d use at what intensity, based on my skin’s needs. Then she got to work. Don’t worry the technical write ups below will give you a more scientific understanding on Hydra Facial.

Good In, Bad Out

For the first step, Jessica turned on the steamer to open my pores, which is usual for the start of any facial. But that’s where the similarity ends. She then administered a mild acid peel that helped with the removal of dead skin cells, which basically felt like she was putting cool water on my skin. I started to slip into what felt like the beginning of a deep sleep, but I was determined to stay awake to ask questions.

Next, she fired up the suction function of the wand to essentially vacuum dirt and oil from my pores while simultaneously plying my skin with concentrated moisturizer. You can also opt for a “boost” depending on what your skin needs—Jessica gave me the “Brightenol Boost” shot to reduce the appearance of dark spots and give a more even complexion. This was followed by Red and Blue Light radiation with a tingly cold sensation.

To seal the deal, Jessica added peptides and antioxidants to my skin, which was primed to receive them. The fishing touch was a calming protective serum to keep the skin rejuvenated, hydrated and protected from the sun! And then, a just about an hour after I entered the sanctuary, I emerged.

The Afterward

“Look”, Jessica urged, pointing to a mirror just outside the treatment room. My skin was bright and dewy. “Nice, but it’s also very good lighting in here,” I thought.

But then on the way back, I checked myself out in my car’s rearview mirror—the true test. My skin was still looking slightly cherubic, and I noticed an even tone, lighter freckles and plump cheeks! I’d scheduled a quick meeting after and skipped putting on makeup. I felt that good.

Question and Answer Time

What makes a Hydra Facial different? The foundation of beautiful and healthy skin is hydration. Hydra Facials remove impurities from the skin, provide necessary hydration and do it all without irritating your skin- creating the perfectly balanced treatment.

The process gently exfoliates, removes dead skin cells, as well as surface gunk. This step provides a clean smooth surface for the rest of the treatment. From there, the debris is extracted. In normal facials, the extraction process often results in pain and redness but in Hydra facial its smooth and absolutely painless. And the exciting part is that you can actually see the quantum of dirt from the pores incase that sort of thing excites you. Once the pores are clear, hydrating serums and boosters are infused into your skin which reduces the size of the freshly cleared pores while rehydrating the skin after the extraction of natural oils.

Why should you get a Hydra Facial?  If you are looking to address fine lines, wrinkles, elasticity, brown spots, oily & congested skin and enlarged pores, a hydra Facial will provide you excellent results. Other treatments typically target one or a couple of concerns whereas this one addresses many at once.

What is a bonus booster? A bonus booster is a great solution for people who have skin concerns that may not be completely remedied from a traditional Hydra Facial. The serums tailor the facial more to your skin type and priorities. Brightalive Boost is from skin brightening reducing discoloration. Growthfactor Boost is for increasing cellular growth to reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Dermabuilder Boost addresses fine lines by creating firmness while correcting skin tone and texture. Britenol Boost reduces the appearance of dark spots and sun damage revealing a more even complexion.

Want to learn more? Contact Nova clinic today. They do free consultation which is very detailed, giving you a deep dive into your skin and tailor makes solutions suiting to your skin type and priorities. Nova Clinic is in Jumeirah. Look them up today!

Call – +971 4 384 5666 to book your appointment.

The Good: Painless, Calming and Instant results

The Bad: One hour is not enough, we need more of it!

The Trendy: The need to Hydrate is timeless

Article written by Priyanka Sarkar – A designer by heart and training, a retailer by mind, an omnipreneur by choice who loves to word her experiences. Priyanka is the Chief Executive and Designer of House Of Biori, a contemporary brand of unique and ethically crafted jewelry and accessories.