Sleep Decoded: all you need to know about sleeping well

We all know that Good Sleep is necessary for optimal health and can affect hormone levels, mood and weight. Dubai based brand State of REM was born to highlight the direct impact of your clothing on mental health, and provides luxury loungewear that aids in promoting a restful state! State of REM means the “State of Deep Sleep”, which is what this Lifestyle brand stands for! Founder, Natasha Inman, help us understand all about Good Sleep and how to make it happen!

Natasha Inman

How can fashion/clothing cultivate a positive mental attitude/health?

​Fashion can be used to cultivate positivity in a number of ways. For example, people who suffer with anxiety or depression may have items of clothing they prefer to wear in difficult times. Fashion can equally be used as an armour on bad days. I personally think, if you get up on a morning and dress how you want to feel, you have already ‘won the day’. Its a great way to start the day positively.

If it does, then does it not perpetuate the fact that validation from others equals self-worth? Or is it for your own self-worth?

Humans are programmed to want validation from other people as it makes us feel good so we want to continue to behave in this way to continue to feel worthy. On the other hand, internal validation is something many people continue to struggle with and is something we need to change the narrative of. Regardless, if either of the ways above make you feel happy, whether thats through other people or through self-acceptance, happiness is something we deserve to feel and can positvely impact our wellbieng.

How do you define ‘sufficient sleep’?

For me, I need at least 7 hours sleep! I’m usually asleep by 10.30am on a weekday and I get up around 6am, however if for whatever reason I have not slept very well i will allow my body to sleep in till 7am. 

What are the effects of lack of sleep?

For me, lack of sleep means I am half asleep most of the day! I can’t focus on anything, my brain takes twice as long to register anything and I find I am extremely hungry when I don’t get enough sleep. I am not the most fun person to be around when I haven’t had a good nights sleep!

What are the benefits of a good night’s sleep on the physical and mental health of a person?

The benefits of getting a full nights sleep are vast. On a physical side, it can increase exercise performance, increase productivity, prevent weight gain, and can boost your immune system. Sleep wellbeing is equally as important as it can lift your mood and reduce stress, preventing depression and anxiety. 

How do you enhance your sleep experience to get a good night’s rest?

For me, the best way to get a good nights sleep is to have a bedtime routine which means winding down at the same time each night and try make sure I am in bed around 10pm. My bedtime routine looks like;

  1. About 9 #nightimeroutine
  2. #winddownroutine
  3. pm, I light a candle in the bathroom, put on some relaxing music and have a shower or a bath.
  4. I put on my State of REM pyjamas which are so comfortable and luxurious.
  5. I then do my skin care which helps me wind down. I use a body moisturiser which has lavender as that helps me relax.
  6. I then climb into bed, with a herbal tea and a book and I read at least 10 pages before bed.
  7. I put my phone outside the bedroom so I don’t have access to any blue light.
  8. I aim to go to sleep around 10.30pm, I have a pillow sleep spray which I spray before I go to sleep to help me wind down.

Having a simple routine like this forces me to take some time for myself every night, no matter how hard the day has been and helps me wind down and puts my thoughts in a positive frame of mine.

How can silk make a difference to your sleep?

Not only is silk one of the most luxurious fabrics there are, it is hyper-#silkpillowcases

allergenic and temperature regulating, meaning it keeps you cool on hot nights and warm on cool nights. Silk also has many beauty benefits, from keeping skin moisturised, to ensuring your hair is frizz free, untangled and reduces split ends. Silk is proven to have anti-aging benefits. The State of REM super lightweight 100% silk fabric keeps your skin healthy, promotes good sleep, and improves your mental health.

How is it good for the skin, hair etc.?

Silk helps retain moisture from products and natural oils, unlike cotton, which means any evening skin or haircare product you put on your hair or skin, will stay on your body and not get absorbed into the silk fabric. Silk is also very lightweight, breathable and non-irritating, which is a reason why burns or some severe eczema cases need silk dressings. The slippery and smooth texture of silk helps prevent frizz, tangles and breakage, promoting shiny and soft hair. If you splurge on expensive hair or skin products, switching to silk sleepwear and sleep accessories is a must!

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