Rhythm of Life by Guruji Sanjeev Krishna

The 12-day “Rhythm of Life” programme, at Sanjeev Krishna Yoga is a stellar program that focuses on breathing, stretching, along with understanding and guidance on the right meditation techniques and nutrition, aiming to improve your health and general wellbeing and teaching you to manage your own health better. Yogalife undertakes the program and tells you all about its life changing benefits…

Day 7

The Day 7 session was on the principle of ‘happiness’ – a state of mind created by positive and negative emotions. But how do we define the ‘state of mind’? This is the emotive and logical content in our mind at a particular time – a range of emotions, thoughts created by our reaction to our surroundings, our experiences, our interactions and our interpretation and analysis of the same. The key to complete happiness lies in living a life of ‘detached attachment’ Guruji helps us master the art of being truly happy!


Day 8

The Day 8 session began with an interesting session at the beach with team building and bonding exercises and games that help learning, increase skills and communications, and improve self-confidence and efficiency.

The next session was about the importance of Meditation, the importance of mindfulness in our daily life. Meditation teaches us to identify with our core of self-awareness, rather than our thoughts. It is a sort of a revelation of oneness that is so profound and relaxing that, 15 minutes of such meditation is equivalent to 3 hours of deep sleep, according to Guruji.


Day 9

This session was an initiation into the magic of the Surya Namaskars. We all know that the sun is the source of all energy and life on this earth. Surya Namaskar or ‘Sun Salutation’ is an ancient practice of expressing gratitude to the sun that is the source of all forms of life on the planet.

Surya Namaskars are a set of 12 powerful asanas that provide interesting benefits for every part of the body. These powerful poses have a great impact on the heart, liver, intestine, stomach, chest, throat and legs. It purifies the body, improves the lymphatic system, the respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system and eventually the nervous system. It helps purify the blood and ensures proper functioning of the nerve centres. Guruji Sanjeev Krishna initiates us into the correct way of doing Surya Namaskars.

Source: www.sanjeevkrishnayoga.com

Written by: Viki Shah