Different cultures celebrate festivals such as Ramadan, Guru Purnima and Holi or start an auspicious task, according to the movements of the moon. The moon regulates the movement of fluids on the earth; it regulates the ebb and flow of the tides. Since our body consists of 70 per cent water, the effect of the moon on our own beings is significant and it is thus powerful to meditate on the night of the full moon. Through meditation and prayer during the full moon, we tap into the energy of the moon in a state of heightened consciousness, we quieten the mind and regain the earthly rhythm our bodies are intended to follow.
Moon Salutation – Chandra Namaskar
There are several variations of the moon salutation, here is one variation. Our thanks to yoga teacher & fitness instructor Marlene Huges who demonstrates the gently flowing quieting Moon Salutation. This kind of practice is helpful for men and women who are feeling stressed, depleted or overstimulated
1.Tadasana Urdva Baddhanguliasana
Bring feet together, kneecaps and thighs firm, tailbone pointing downward. Inhale and lift arms above your head, crown of head reaching up.
2.Tadasana Urdhva Hastasana
Face upwards, take a deep breath, and stretch into a backward bend, head in line with arms.
- Uttanasana
Exhaling, slowly bend forward, clasping your fingers behind your back and bring your hands over your head.
- Virabhadrasana 1
Inhale as you come up, step left foot forward, turn heel to face outward, and push opposite foot away. Bend the left knee, make sure the hips are facing forward, and keep hands in prayer position.
- Parsvottanasana
Inhale up, join your palms behind your back in a prayer position if possible and straighten the front right leg. Exhale as you stretch down over the leg, keeping your head relaxed.
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Bend the front right leg, keeping knee over heel and straighten your back leg. Keep your head upright and fingertips on the floor.
- Anjaneyasana (Crescent moon pose)
Inhale, raise hands above the head, look up and gently bend back, with the back knee resting on the ground.
- Trikonasana
(Triangle pose)
Turn right foot outwards, keep left foot straight and push hips towards back leg. Keep your torso and hips facing the front, exhale and lower the right hand to the right shin. Left hand extends upwards.
- Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side stretch)
Bend the right leg, knee over heel. Place right hand by right foot and the other in a straight line extending up. Keep the left heel in line with the torso and look up.
- The Plank
Exhale and place hands on the floor, arms straight, shoulders above wrists, legs extended back. Feel the tailbone lengthening towards the heels and keep the head facing forward.
- Upward dog
Bring hips and toes on the floor. Inhale, lift torso and legs a few inches off the floor. Keep thighs firm and slightly turned inward, arms firm and turned out, and look up.
- Downward dog
Exhale and lift hips away from the floor. Lift the sitting bones toward the ceiling, and draw the inner legs up into the groins. Exhale, push top thighs back and stretch heels onto the floor as much as possible. Straighten the knees but be sure not to lock them.
Compiled by Kish our Editorial Director