Plasma Perfect

Everyone wants to knock off a few years form their face, but not all are willing to go under a knife to get that youthful appearance. This is where a plasma lift is the perfect alternative! Dr. Alia Mohamed – Specialist Dermatologist at Kaya Skin Clinic, tells us more.

Why Plasma?

The plasma lift can treat sagging jowls, age spots, fine lines, acne scarring, active acne, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, stretch marks, removal of tattoo marks, face and body lifting and more.

It is long lasting, with results still visible up to a year after having your first treatment, and it will make you feel young and renewed with no side effects or recovery time.

The Kaya Plasma Lift – powered by the revolutionary Plexr Technology helps you get rid of hooded eyes and droopy eyelids, without surgery to enjoy bigger, brighter, and beautiful eyes!

Plexr (Plasma EXeResis), is the latest non-ablative and non-invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that uses plasma, the fourth state of matter to aesthetically lift drooping eyelids, smoothen periocular wrinkles and treat jowls in areas of the face and neck. Plexr’s popularity comes from being an effective non-invasive blepharoplasty solution, and it can also be used to address a wide range of concerns such as correction of acne scars, tattoo removal, face and body lifting etc.

Benefits? Minimum downtime, visible results in 10 days and no surgery! The procedure also treats lip lines, earlobe creases and neck bands.


Although Plexr’s popularity comes from being a an effective non-invasive blephraroplasty solution, it can also be used to address a wide range of concerns.

•  Correction of acne scars

•  Tattoo removal

•  Face and body lifting

It can also be used for smoker lines and any other wrinkles on face.

How does it work?

Plexr uses plasma to bio-stimulate the dermis. The microplasma beam when used on the affected tissue results in a selective and focused heat transfer. Plexr uses the spot-by-spot method. The spots are selected in arrangements of triangles, dice or crisscross-shaped, determined by the width of the fold. Plexr is always administered to the edges of the skin pleats and never to the valleys.

Clinical studies prove that Plexr results in formation of type 3 collagen type within one month, enabling you to experience skin rejuvenation from within.

What to expect?

The treatment first starts with consultation with your dermatologist, to determine if you are a suitable candidate for Plexr Plus. Thirty minutes prior to starting the procedure, your dermatologist will apply a numbing cream on the affected area. This minimises any discomfort and enables you to have an almost painless experience. During treatment, you may experience heat in places where the microplasma beam is being focussed. You might feel a slight tingling or burning sensation afterwards. Expect the treated area to be red and warm immediately, and you may also experience tenderness for a few days after.

You can visibly see reduction in creases and skin folds almost immediately. Post-treatment, a brown spot, which is nothing but a carbon crust, is formed at each site of the dot. These spots will take up to two weeks to flake and fall off. It is important to allow the scabs to fall off naturally. If not, scarring or infection may occur. To experience complete healing, it is important to discuss the post-treatment care with your dermatologist and follow all instructions strictly.

Time taken

The procedure itself takes from 30 to 45 mins depend on the area size.

Number of sessions:

From 1 up to 4 according to the condition

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