How To Stop Worrying

We all worry. Worrying is probably useful when it gets you to act on something that you have been vacillating about, but when it occupies your mind all the time and makes you pessimistic about the ‘what-if’ scenarios in all that you do, it can become a problem. Chronic worrying can lead to stress and anxiety resulting in a lack of spiritual energy. You can train your brain to stay calm and look at life from a more balanced perspective, says Toni Bernhard.


You need not be sick or in pain for worry to arise (and fear is often not far behind). That said, chronic illness has introduced some worries into my life that were absent before I got sick. In this piece, I’ll use one of these as an example, but the techniques I’ll suggest can be helpful with any type of worry or other stressful emotion. One of my reoccurring worries is what would happen should I be hospitalized for some reason. I worry that the medical staff won’t believe that I’m chronically ill since I don’t look sick. I worry that they won’t understand my specific needs.

Two examples:

1) My doctor prescribes two medications that vastly improve the quality of my sleep, but these are off-label uses of these drugs. Will they allow me to have them in the hospital?

2) I absolutely need to nap at mid-day in order to be functional at all in the afternoon and evening. Will they allow me to do that? No matter what you find yourself worrying about, here are three techniques to keep that worry from overwhelming you….

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