Dr. Lanalle, founder of The Chiron Clinic tells you all you wanted to know about Facial Acupuncture.
Facial Acupuncture is an invasive organic treatment for anti – aging and increasingly proving more popular as a natural beauty method over cosmetic facial surgery. Originated from Ancient Korea and China, the treatment involves fine sterile needles to the face, which offer results similar to that of a mini face lift. The facial needles improve blood and energy circulation, nourish your skin and increase natural collagen production to diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and dull skin.
Dr. Lanalle, suggests the best age to start facial acupuncture should be in your 20’s or 30’s to re- boost the health of your skin, and prevention of course is the preferred choice over cosmetic surgery risks and costs later on. At the Chiron Clinic a single treatment lasts for 90 minutes and during the consultation, the doctor will analyse your face to determine any dietary habits that may be causing bad skin or early signs of ageing, both internally and externally.
Benefits of Facial Acupuncture:
Puffiness is a sign of digestive problems, allergies or poor lymphatic drainage. Fine sterile needles at certain points in the face can ignite the healing response in the body and reduce overall puffiness.
Breakout out in smiles
Facial acupuncture has a calming, rebalancing effect and can help with regular breakouts, which can be caused by chronic conditions or hormonal imbalance.
Control Rosacea
This effective treatment can help reduce redness and irritation in the skins tissue.
Brighten Dull Skin
By putting a needle in the facial skin, instantly the blood circulation is stimulated and energy levels are raised.
Tighten and Tone
Simply a few needle pricks can firm up the face by toning the muscle and relaxing the muscles that are too tight and tighten the ones that are too loose. Facial acupuncture is great for sculpting the cheeks and jawline.
Dr. Lanalle Dunn, Founder of The Chiron Clinic
Originally from Western Canada, Dr. Lanalle completed her undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences at The University of Guelph, in Ontario, Canada. After years of research and travel, she developed a strong interest in, and great respect for herbal and traditional forms of medicine and went on to study at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. She graduated in 2003 as a Naturopathic Doctor and moved to Hawaii where she began practicing family medicine. Dr. Lanalle later settled in Dubai, where she has been practicing for nearly 12 years.
Over the years Dr. Lanalle has completed continuing education in acupuncture (facial, advanced techniques, scalp), Waldorf/Steiner education, NAET (advanced certifications), Life-Coaching, Dorn therapy, KST alignment (Koren Specific Technique), and for the past six years Anthroposophical Physician Training (British Anthroposophical Physician Training/International Physician Medical Training, IPMT).