From duality into oneness!

And here we are, the 22nd of the 2nd month of 2022!

Representing for many the year of leaving the cocoon of hibernation that we were all jointly “forced “to reside for the last two years!

So, what is this all about, this repeated number 2!

As every single number has a vibrational creational match; the number 2 in the major arcana of the tarot, is the high priestess. She relates to the duality of body and soul representing the moon and the element of water.

Like the moon itself, sometimes is in the shadow and sometimes reflects the light!

Symbolizing the shadow and light aspects of pure feminine energy!

The water element conveying the virtues of the high priestess; of flow, creativity, wisdom, and initiation but also the gateway to realms that we may never fully comprehend, the underworld and absolute scary darkness where all stories begin!

Likewise, in the Celtic runes the second rune is called Uruz representing an ox, a non-domesticated animal; picturing vitality, life force energy and raw untamed strength, all too features of the feminine!

This year is the year of awakening collectively the feminine in all of us women and men. A mass initiation through collective sacral and heart chakra healing!

As it is an energy that was suppressed for too long, due to the sad fact and reality that the shadow parts of the feminine were, for an extended time demonized.

Only when collectively the dominant masculine can dance in harmony with the feminine, the magic of oneness can be experienced.

And this is our mission this year! All of us; have been generously given the opportunity to really experience the feminine including its deepest shadows!

So metaphorically; us leaving the cocoon, entering a year fueled by the energy of duality, it might be a good opportunity to heal and integrate this duality within us!

This process requires lots of courage as the shadows of the feminine have been associated with being inappropriate, unrealistic, chaotic, and surely taboo.

On another note:

If the macro reflects the micro, then our world today as it is, reflects us individually! Let us have a closer look at the collective reality to understand more of us, individually!

The world, we are facing right now is surely reflecting the shadows of the masculine, an overactive collective root and solar plexus!

Lived intensely through control, attachments, power games, earthly material needs, manipulation, greed, lust, and disconnection from source energy!

This extreme energy can only be balanced when its polarity, is, as well, expressed, valued, and loved with the same intensity!

But the shadow of feminine energy is uncontrollable, sensual, unpredictable, needy, seductive, creative, codependent, inappropriate, over sensitive, and vulnerable. Not the easiest to set free within our current social structures and needs!

We read in many self-help books that enlightenment is attained by seeking the light!

But seeking our own light filled divination is only walking half of the path!

So maybe it is time, to seek our own “devil-ition”, our shadows, our inner demons.

Bringing them to the light, inviting them out of their comfort zone. Like a dragon from its dark moist rocky cave, and the lava from its hot comfortable core of mother earth so that the dragon learns to fly, and the lava violently transcend into fertile soil!

Finding the dragon does not happen while singing mantras and meditating on a green hill with a soft breeze in our hair. But by entering the womb of the cave without any source of light and surrendering to the darkest of the dark. Touching the cold stony walls; acknowledging and living fully one suppressed shadow after the other.

But what does the dragon represent? In our current times, the untamed feminine energy that has been dormant!

As for new to be created, we all are invited to dive into the unknow, the darkness, the womb of creation filled with desires, sensuality, sensibility, and a deep need to express ourselves unapologetically into a new version we have never experienced before!

Finding growth in light is a blessing!

But finding growth by diving into our own dark complexity is courageous!

So, I invite you all to hunt for your desires, to explore your fears of your own taboos and free yourself from your cage of appropriateness!

As the worst that could happen! Is experiencing wholeness 😊

And we finally can attain that oneness collectively, thar we were promised to have in the Garden of Eden!

As once a dear wise man sad:

“The brighter the light, the darker the shadow.” Carl Jung

And so, the opposite statement is truth!

About Sarah:

Sarah Abdelal is a nature and animal lover and regards them as being her true teachers. Currently living in Berlin, Germany.

By profession she is a healing facilitator using a combination of different healing modalities like Hypnotherapy, NLP, Metaphor and Art Therapy, Aura and Chakras Photography & Intuitive and Shamanic healing.

She truly beliefs that we humans are privileged to be on this earthly dimension and helps others to see through their veils of illusions. Alternating limiting perception, one at a time to ease this journey of life.

She holds space for workshops, retreats and one to one session that are always filled with laughter and lightness, as humor is a scared medicine!

Contact:, +49 152 260 97 888