For a Better Night’s Sleep

Linen Obsession, the sleep expert known for its high quality bed linen, opened its first retail stand-alone store in the UAE. Pamela Lilburne Opie, Founder and CEO, reveals the secret to getting a better night’s sleep.

“Quality sleep is crucial for our physical and mental wellbeing, and I know many people struggle to get a full eight hours. We need to create the best possible conditions for a good night’s sleep, which is not simply about going to bed early. All parents know about the value of a bedtime routine to set up good sleep for children, and I think it is time we recognise that this need doesn’t go away as we get older,” says Pamela.

The five secrets to a better night’s sleep

1.     Understanding the need to create a sleep routine

A good sleep routine becomes a signal to the body to relax and detach from the busy day, and can help with insomnia. It can include essential oils or fragrance diffusers as well as physical steps to destress and relax.

2.     The importance of natural or organic products 

Know your sleep priority – what is important for you? The climate in the GCC makes it more important than ever to ensure people choose breathable fabrics. Cotton is the best fibre for coolness, whilst silk is a great choice for skin and hair. The best duvet filling is feather and down, but there are other great alternatives, and they should be in a weight that suits each person’s preferred sleeping style. Some people like cool AC all year round, while others prefer to sleep with the window open in the winter. Their bedding should reflect this.

3. Temperature Regulation

Most people sleep better at a cooler temperature, but the AC rarely remains at the right temperature all night long. Many people wake up due to overheating and remove the covers, only to wake again from the cold. This destroys deep sleep patterns. There are several technologically advanced solutions for better temperature regulation in pillows, duvets, pillow and mattress covers which can all help to create an ideal environment for long, healthy sleep.

4. Avoid allergies!

Anyone waking up feeling more tired than when they went to bed should check if they have created an allergy and dust mite free zone. Innovative and simple solutions exist for those affected by allergies, and Linen Obsession can provide expert advice.

 5. Check your foundations

The right supportive mattress, pillows, and duvet are crucial for a good night’s sleep. Mattresses need to be turned regularly to extend their lifespan. Pillows should be selected by the individual based upon how they sleep, as a side sleeper will need a deeper option than a front or back sleeper. People who prioritise back care should look for a contour pillow for better back alignment, whilst there are some wonderful hybrid options available in feather and down pillows which offer both a supportive inner core and a soft outer down layer.  

The Store

The store has been designed with a central space for welcoming customers to sit and discuss their requirements with the knowledgeable team, while a cosy nook allows children to watch videos while their parents shop. Shelves are arranged by product type and colour rather than brand, making it simple for customers to compare like for like, at the price point they prefer.  For example all white or cream sheet options are displayed together.

The luxury bed linen, high thread count sheets, bath towels, pillow, and duvet display has been complimented by the introduction of quality wellness products, all designed to help their customers to create an ideal sanctuary and beautiful environment for sleeping.

Pamela said “I am so excited to launch this new concept dedicated to sleep. The store showcases many wonderful, authentic brands, many with a great history. Lovely linen is one of life’s essential luxuries. All of our wellness products are very natural, many are organic or vegan and have been designed by passionate people creating products for a purpose, for example using aromatherapy to improve sleep, sourcing local ingredients or using sustainable materials. We aim to continue to introduce innovative sleep solutions based on science.”