Feng Shui For Schools

Can the shape of a hallway discourage bullying in schools? Can more windows create a scope for better learning and comprehension? Shivani Adalja says, it does and gives us a few tips for the Back to School season.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science of energy management that focuses on maintaining balance and harmony in your immediate environment. The main aim is to harness the good chi or energy and deflect the sha chi or bad energy. Some people are oblivious to the effects of energy movement and go through life without much awareness. While some understand the dynamics and work towards harnessing the energy in such a way that their life is impacted positively.

Children are affected due to changes in energy as their personal aura is delicate and they tend to feel the change immediately. That is one of the main reasons why educational institutions must use feng shui to help improve focus and concentration in children. There are some basic rules that schools and universities can follow to impact students positively.

The design of the school building should not be odd shaped or have sharp edges in its design. A uniform shape helps is distributing energy evenly. Sharp edges create harsh energy and may impact students negatively by creating health problems. Rounded edges and pillars are better suited for schools for smooth movement of energy.

Open windows in the classrooms to invite fresh energy. Keeping the classroom doors and windows always closed may not be such a great idea with number of students increasing every year. Instead, have large windows in every classroom that can be opened for enhanced energy movement.

Place the principal and teachers’ offices in good mountain star area using the flying star school of feng shui. A good mountain star offers support to people in position of authority and makes them feel comfortable. It also helps with improving focus for teachers.

Ideally food canteen should be located in a good mountain star area for students to enjoy their meals in peace and quiet. Canteen should be simple with lots of space for movement and seating for improved energy flow.

The playground area should be located in the water star areas as per flying star school of feng shui. A water star is energy is the type of energy that is active in nature and is used for tasks which involve movement. A playground is perfect for such active energy location due to sports classes and playtime that students have.

And most importantly, every school must have open walkways for clear energy movement and no clutter in any classrooms.

Visit www.shivaniadalja.com to know more.