Energy Healing – A conscious reconnect with one’s self

Energy healing is a conventional healing system that reinstates the balance and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and soul. This technique works directly with the physical, emotional, and spiritual facets of well-being. Viki Shah meets Psychic and Healer Tam and tells you all about it.

How would you describe your work?

By being fully present and connecting to the universal consciousness or awareness, I answer questions my clients have and provide insight in an area of life they experience as challenging.

I’ve noticed that often, the perceived issue is directly related to the mind and thoughts. I use the word perceived on purpose, as a situation only becomes an issue when we believe it to be so. We are taught to think, from an early age on, and our language shows it. We should think before we speak, think before taking action, think it all through, think of the consequences, and so on. Notice how often a sentence is started with ‘I think…’. Our thoughts on a situation, a person, an event, are only a fraction of the total, and they are colored by our conditioning. They are anything but objective. While there is nothing wrong with having thoughts, even though life would be a lot calmer if we didn’t have any, the problem arises the moment we believe our thoughts, rather than witnessing or observing that we have these thoughts. Thoughts create emotions, and neither are an issue until you believe them. They linger when you give them credit, when you give them weight.

Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it”; it implies that our thoughts create the issue, that we need to step out of thought to resolve it. Thoughts are not inherently good or bad, they can be either, or neutral. What’s important is to be aware that they are there, then decide whether they are useful or useless, whether to discard them or bring them on board.

During a session, I aim to create the mindful space in which we can observe a perceived issue and work through it by tapping into the universal consciousness/awareness. I show my clients practical ways regarding how to approach life from a place of stillness. Once you realize you’re the space in which thoughts and emotions take place, rather than identifying with your thoughts and emotions, life becomes a lot more peaceful and calm, a lot easier.

Does healing happen to us or within us?

Healing is everywhere. To me, healing does not have much to do with getting physically better, although that is a fortunate side effect. Healing means moving back into alignment with the universe, a movement that creates a positive ripple effect, one that radiates immense positivity and healing.

The moment we are born, we become an individual. We have a gender, we’re given a name, a surname, parents, and so on. Tradition tells us that’s the start of our story, and life starts adding to us through experiences. Our minds become conditioned, more and more layers are added to the soul that was born into a physical body until ultimately, we become the person we are today. We see ourselves as a singular person, with this particular physical form and this specific history or background, and we tend to fully identify with it. We often use our history as a reason regarding why we are the way we are; I don’t easily trust people because of this situation I was once in, I get really nervous around new people because, as a child, this or that happened. If you strip back those life-layers, you’ll find that all that’s left is your consciousness, your awareness. Eckhart Tolle describes this beautifully; we perceive ourselves to be that one ripple in the ocean, but we forget we are also part of that entire ocean. Realigning with that vastness of universal awareness is healing, and not only for yourself but for others around you. As you become aware that you are awareness, you become aware that others are awareness, that they are the same as you, whether they know it or not. We have different experiences in life and the mental noise in our head is different for each of us, but we are all awareness. Being seen by someone as such, being truly seen by another person as far more than the physical form you inhabit, is immensely healing.  So I’d like to say healing occurs within us as well as around us, and it can in fact happen to us or even in spite of us. If we all took a second, just one second, to truly see a person we have some type of interaction with throughout the day, and connect as one awareness to another, whether that person knows it or not, we make a positive and healing difference.

Three voices of fear, reason and intuition.

If I may, I’d like to combine the first two into the voice of the mind—including but not limited to fear and reason. There are, in my opinion, two voices. The voice of our mind or our thoughts, and intuition. They can be difficult to distinguish as intuition can present itself as a thought that pops into your head, but that’s okay. Simply separate the useful thoughts from the useless ones. It doesn’t matter whether that was intuition or not, keep the positive ones, and acknowledge but don’t give credence to others.

There are a few tricks to becoming more mindful, as it is called, (I prefer to use words like quiet or stillness, or absence of mental noise). When you get up in the morning and brush your teeth, use the other hand to do so. It creates new neural pathways while forcing you to focus on the task, to be fully present in the moment. Put your shoes on differently, your pants. Little things like that will open you up to learning as well as require you to be mind-quiet. A relatively quick way to quieten your mind is to focus on your senses in an alert manner, the way you would, say, when someone raises an index finger as if to say, ‘shh, do you hear/see that?’. That’s being present, aware. While it may initially not be easy to not think, it’ll become effortless once you realize it’s perfectly okay to have thoughts and emotions. Acknowledge them the way you would a visitor and decide whether you’d like to say hello and invite them in, or if you’d rather not engage. You may or may not be able to distinguish intuition from thought but that’s not the end goal, or it doesn’t need to be. It doesn’t actually matter. Simply allow it to be. There’s no need to label or pigeon-hole a thought. It simply is.

Covid, low energy, its effect on our bodies and mind.

The pandemic has limited us in multiple ways and there is far more to it than I could address here. One aspect I would like to briefly address is the social distancing and covering our faces. As a species, much like animals, we need touch, and not being able to hug or shake hands has been difficult for many of us. We can’t travel to visit loved ones and we have to wear a facemask; hearing and speaking have become difficult with many public places separating people through plexiglass dividers, muddling up the facemask-speech even more, and let’s acknowledge the struggle for those with hearing issues who are left unable to lipread. I understand it leaves many of us frustrated. It does, however, encourage us to connect and hear using our eyes and heart. I feel that using words and language to explain this will not do this opportunity justice as it works at such a deep level. Each of us can contribute to establishing a healing vibe in and around the world by meeting it, and each other, as awareness.

Regarding faith, pandemic, physical form, etc;

Anything we believe becomes our reality, which is fine as long as those beliefs create positive thoughts.  It’s why placebos work. We have, throughout our lives, pulled on so many layers of beliefs, of thoughts, established such an intricate framework of it and become so identified with it, that we tend to lose ourselves in it.

I see us as sandcastles. If you’ve ever watched a child build a sandcastle, you’ll have noticed they place one pile of sand on top of another, until it has the shape they want it to be. That’s exactly how we live life. We pile on experiences and condition ourselves until we are who we think we want to be, or who we are expected to be, or how we’d like to be perceived. Hidden underneath all that sand, however, is our true self. Our soul. Our awareness and connection to universal consciousness. We can return to that state by getting rid of the excess sand, dig it out until we’ve come back to our essence. A sculpturer starts with a certain amount of their preferred material, knowing the piece of art they’re about to create is already in there, all they need to do is remove the excess that covers it. Many of us have lost sight of the treasure we’ve buried underneath our life experiences. There’s no effort needed, there’s nothing we need to improve or build or learn. All we need to do is brush off the excess, delete, or at least temporarily delete, our thoughts, the stories we tell ourselves. Don’t believe everything you think. It’s something I tell myself whenever I catch myself being wrapped up in thought. We all face challenges in life and the nature and tone of the stories our minds tell us determine how we deal with them. Taking a step back and observing yourself, being a witness to your own thoughts and emotions, helps create emotional distance and will help to stay in the present moment and respond from a place of stillness.  

In short, I’d say healing is awareness and awareness is healing. The shortcut to either is to observe yourself while not believing everything you think.   

A healing session with Tam:

I read about Tam on one of the Facebook groups and was intrigued to know more because of all the glowing recommendations she had received. I contacted her and found her to be very gracious and welcoming. We scheduled a healing session and a talk. She had earlier mentioned that I should keep my questions ready before the session. She had a very calming presence and voice and I immediately felt at ease.

She asked me a few basic questions about myself and was observing me silently while I was talking. She was trying to gauge the energy around me and once I was done, she started speaking. I will not go into too much detail about the analysis and guidance she gave me, since it is personal, but what overwhelmed me was the fact that she described a person whose energy was surrounding me and that was the exact description of my dearest grandfather who I had a special bond with! I just could not believe it when she described him exactly the way he was. He had passed away 35 years ago and here was someone describing him to me as if he were right there!

A lot of what she told me was about not over analyzing situations but rather acting upon them, letting go of worry, and being more present. It is probably something you’ll hear just about anywhere, but believe me, when she went into detail about these theories, I really felt like I was connecting with the session.

What really struck me about the virtual session was that I didn’t physically feel the energy work but found it to be more like a session with a therapist or wise friend. I came away from the whole thing with confirmation and acknowledgment for things I had been feeling and thinking about, more insight into why I do things the way I do and some action points to improve and better my life. I found it very thought-provoking, and as I write about it now, I’m still thinking about it when I’m going about my day-to-day.

I believe that anyone who is looking for some guidance or answers, or a different viewpoint, would benefit from this—and frankly, aren’t we all looking for these things?

About Tam:

Tam Meijer was born in The Netherlands and, having shifted countries twice, she currently resides in Brisbane, Australia. A keen interest in the human mind and how it affects various areas of our lives, caused her to settle into a career that combined hypnotherapy, meditation therapy, emotional intelligence training, and spiritual development. Scripting guided meditations and writing for a health and wellbeing magazine triggered an until then undiscovered passion for writing; several series of fiction are under contract with USA and UK based Crimson Cloak Publishing, with, to this date, four books released (writing as M.J.T. Meijer).

Contact Tam via email;

Instagram: @mjtmeijer

Tam continues to offer online energy alignment sessions; through conversation and/or brief exercises, she helps clients realign with universal consciousness and their true self.