Did you know how fashion can help you cope with anxiety?

Nina (name changed on request) is an accountant working in Dubai. Her hobby is to design clothes for herself and her friends. She has always had anxiety issues for as long as she can remember. Her early memories are of her wanting to stay away from school and being anxious with people around. Over the years, therapy and medication have helped her but she also says that she believes that fashion designing, which is her passion, has helped her a lot in overcoming her issues! Puting together an outfit, selecting colours, fabrics etc. puts her in a calm state of mind – almost meditative. Let’s know more on how fashion can impact your mental wellbeing.

Wear That, the leading personal styling platform offers Insights on How Dressing Positively Impacts Psychological Wellbeing, boosting confidence and impacting women’s lives.

Professor of psychiatry Raphael Bonelli claims that: “An interest in fashion and personal appearance is a sign of mental health. Psychiatrists are able to infer changes in mood from changes in their patient’s clothing.” 

“Power Dressing’ is definitely a thing! It makes you feel bold and confident because you definitely are what you wear, most of the times! Self-expression is a fundamental part of our wellbeing. Dressing up or decorating ourselves is in our DNA and is what separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. Kit Yarrow, author of Decoding the New Consumer Mind: How and Why We Shop and Buy notes how even cavemen “spent time and energy collecting trinkets to wear, thinking about what they might look good in.” And renowned psychologist William James says clothes are more deeply linked to our identity than families, home, or property. This is seen through the colours you wear, a snazzy suit, an interesting pair of accessories or a quirky bag that is so YOU! How many of you see something and say’ This is so me!!”  

The fashion and wellbeing link also easily explains why we laze around in our pyjamas and not wear makeup when we aren’t feeling great. In contrast, we make an extra special effort to dress well to impress, when we celebrate occasions or try to look great on occasions that we look forward to or when we are just happy. 

Featuring data accumulated from the past year and a half, Wear That shares insights on how fashion affects our mental health, how the industry adapts, and changes to consumer habits. Following the effects of 2020 on people’s psychological well-being, statistics show that anxiety and depression have been on the rise, and according to specialists the simple act of dressing up can have a positive impact on our mental health. 

Wear That witnesses firsthand, the effect of feeling good in the clothes we wear, having worked with thousands of women since launching. Research indicates that dressing up can help boost a person’s mood by improving their self-confidence, and in turn positively impacting the way they carry themselves throughout the day along with changing how people perceive them.  The styling brand is aligned with professional psychological expertise, who determined that a routine is very important for positive mental wellbeing, with small efforts such as grooming and dressing playing a vital role. It’s an act of self-love and a reason to celebrate life amidst the negativity that surrounds us. 

When it comes to the current wave of clients coming to Wear That for the personal styling service they offer, most have specific concerns related to the changing dynamics of a post-covid world. The majority of recent requests come in the form elevating personal style with the ultimate goal of changing moods, adapting to new lifestyles like work-from-home, and/or having gained excess “covid weight.” Offering the necessary guidance and providing women the tools to feel good in their skin based, allows the brand to enhance their customers lives, well beyond a styling session.  

“If you look good (whatever that looks like to you!), you will feel good and if you feel good, you will feel more self-confident, all of which contributes to improved mental well-being,” says Liya Kreidie, Creative Director and Stylist, Wear That.  

The changes can be small and subtle, yet result in significant boost to your self-worth,” addsLiya.

Ultimately the effects of feeling comfortable and good in the clothes you wear, transcends not just our conscious minds but even subconsciousness. People tend to carry themselves differently, have a more positive outlook and lifted spirits. It’s important to note that this applies to any type of clothing whether lounge wear, a formal suit, or a casual outfit to run errands – it’s the small elements that make the difference.  Wear That’s main mission, as a styling platform, is to help clients feel good in what they wear, and look stylish. By doing so, the company empowers women to take on the world with more confidence, conviction, and subsequently, joy. 

For more information about the brand, please visit wearthat.me or follow @wear.that.now on socials for latest updates.