Ascending into Spring

Sarah Abdelal @hypnotransition tells you a little story…

Once upon a time, there was a little cherry tree seed, that ended up in the mouth of a hungry little boy, who enjoyed devouring a juicy soft sun-kissed cherry, spitting it far away during a seed spitting contest with his brother.

The little seed was proud of being a part of this amusing game, while hearing the siblings giggle and walk away.

Unable to move, affected by earth’s gravitational force, it stayed on the ground observing its surroundings, admiring its ancestors the trees, and wondering what journey it will experience.

As it was a little seed, all it could do was to observe. And in observing it was capable to learn and understand a lot about life, its dynamic and magic.

And as it was able to comprehend life by witnessing it, it was also capable to dream of potential multi experiences it could transcend into.

While deep dreaming its cosmic dream, the weather changed and the sun got cooler, its ancestors the trees changed their garderobe into darker dresses combined with accessories of orange, yellow and gold.

Wind started to have fun and played with all that it could touch on its way, caressing the grass, and dancing with the colored leaves of the trees, creating colorful little tornadoes.

Many of these leaves softly covered the seed. Giving it a sense of warmth, protection, and cocooning.

Cleansing rain started pouring down from father the sky. Making love to Mother Gaia generously. While mother earth openly received the blessings of the sky allowing all the waters to penetrate her veins in form of underground streams. The seed was too, transported with these heavenly waters of its father the sky, into a deeper a dimension of its mother, a softer part of her, called fertile soil.

Here the beings of soil came, welcomed the seed, provided it a “guideline manual “for what is yet to come.

The seed understood that it will be waiting in the soil for some time to mature, through resting and contemplating, meditating, and fasting; with the purpose of becoming a tree itself, exactly as majestic as its ancestors.

It understood that this dark relaxing period is essential to manifest its full potentiality.

It waited and waited; got a bit bored so decided to fall asleep, kept safe by the guardians of the soil, warm by mother earth’s nurturing energy and held grounded by all that was below!

Only to experience, all that is above!

When one of these days the protectors of the soil jiggled him gently, smiled lovingly, asked him to awaken its senses to the melodies of thousand birds ,the warmth of the sun that was infiltrating through the soil, tingling the seed and encouraging it to wake up from a long dream ,where all was prepared and manifested in the dreamworld only to be transcended into the third dimensional reality to become a real tree!

The seed got very excited and stretched itself “open”. Only to realize that this expansion caused a little crack in its protective shell, allowing to awaken from its little core, a soft heart, hungry for life.

Sprouting, rising with eager through the soil to meet and enmesh with the heart-warming sunrays.

The seed understood that it was forever transformed, through its heart chakra, into a plant that was highly excited to become a tree.

It ascended through the season of spring, where all that was asleep, is invited to grow into all fantasies and desires of a long dark winter!

And so, the seed continued the legacy of its ancestors splendidly!

This is just a simple imaginary-filled story of a little seed, but metaphorically representing our lives as humans on this beloved earth, when aligned with its nature cycle!

As when we humans are synchronized healthily with mother earth and father sky, we map our lives based on and according to the patterns of nature.”

Therefore, spring is the perfect occasion where we are all encouraged to open our hearts to what we truly desire.

Where all the energies are almost in perfect balance. Where the darkness of the night is dancing in harmony with the light of the day.

When light is on the rise expressing masculine energy where everything comes into action after having rested in the deep dark non manifested realm of the feminine!

Since pre-historic times, humans have celebrated spring equinox and considered it sacred times.

An example of this fact is Holi celebration, the festival of colors in Hindu tradition that celebrates love, community, and the arrival of spring.

As well as easter where eggs are decorated with colorful shapes, representing the blooming of spring flowers, and carried by the rabbits, who; we all know, have an interesting capability to reproduce, representing abundance and prosperity.

Spring is also characterized in women’s menstruation cycle during the pre-ovulation period called an inner spring where the sacred womb is preparing itself to create! A project, an ideology, or a child.

In the astrology world, spring equinox is embodied by the end of Pisces and the start of Aries season.

Pisces, the sign of two fishes swimming in the waters of the collective universal subconscious and Aries igniting the fire to new beginnings and manifestations! All aligned with the Idea of what spring fully signifies!

Endings are important for new beginnings to occur, like losing only to gain again.

Sometimes we need to lose everything in darkness only to be capable to create a new spectrum of light!

I had this realization in one of my own shamanic journeys where I asked curiously to be shown my worth!

During this journey I was transported to a field of nothingness that was experienced by me standing and existing within full darkness.

I asked, “What is this about”! I was answered “this is your worth!”

I got upset, irritated and was surely disappointed because it was far beyond what I expected! How could my worth be expressed by nothingness and value my existence!

Within my inner disturbance, I was guided very lovingly to understand then, that in that nothingness, emptiness, and darkness I am granted the delightful chance to co-create all that I am longing for!

I finally came to awareness, that darkness and nothingness like winter, offers us that space to create “under the soil” through observation, meditation, and stillness so that spring energy blesses us this unmeasurable opportunity to ….  resurrect, regrow, regenerate and to be reborn.

As a dear friend Hatim Alyafi once said to me:

“In spring, irresistible force unleashes new, so that we can unleash our boldest dreams!”

Metaphorically, the noblest remembrance of spring is that glorious life experiences can only be created from within the womb of darkness and stillness!

So !

What darkness and emptiness are we collectively asked to acknowledge and not deny as humans, so that we can finally bloom a new web of higher consciousness within our collective “Spring”!

About Sarah:

Sarah Abdelal is a nature and animal lover and regards them as being her true teachers. Currently living in Berlin, Germany.

By profession she is a healing facilitator using a combination of different healing modalities like Hypnotherapy, NLP, Metaphor and Art Therapy, Aura and Chakras Photography & Intuitive and Shamanic healing.

She truly beliefs that we humans are privileged to be on this earthly dimension and helps others to see through their veils of illusions. Alternating limiting perception, one at a time to ease this journey of life.

She holds space for workshops, retreats and one to one session that are always filled with laughter and lightness, as humor is a scared medicine!

Contact:, +49 152 260 97 888