A grateful heart can make Miracles happen

Gratitude is like a magnet, the more grateful you are the more you will receive to be grateful for and the same goes for the more you complain. The more you complain the more you will have things to complain about, says Jane ElizabethMiracles Wellness – Dubai. 

Gratitude may be one of the most overlooked special super powers that we have access to every day.  People who regularly practise gratitude for the things in their life are more likely to be happier overall, leading to reduced stress and anxiety. Practising gratitude doesn’t take much time at all, and the benefits are amazing. While it can be hard to find gratitude in difficult times, acknowledging what we have, no matter how small, is an important thing to do in our daily routines. 

A really good exercise I recommend is to keep a daily gratitude journal, listing the things you’re grateful for. A good time to do this is before sleep no matter how good or bad your day has been. Start with simple things, like having a bed to sleep in, food, water, education, career, salary, friends, family, your pet, even something as simple as sunshine in your day, think about what you can be grateful for. 

Gratitude can come in various forms, and thanking people directly can not only form ongoing relationships but can also make someone feel like they truly matter, and this expression of gratitude energetically will create more value and matter in your own world.  

Gratitude is something that can be taught to children and has many incredible benefits for them. It enables children to have an ability to feel positive within their own lives. It can also lead to promoting family bonds within the family unit.  

To open this communication with your child, start by asking what they know about gratitude, and find out what it means to them. A big part of this is helping children understand that gratitude is more than just saying “thank you.” 

Show your child what it means to pause and appreciate the things we take for granted, such as:

  • “I am grateful for my teachers”
  • “I am grateful for mum and dad / family and friends”
  • “I am grateful for my favourite food”
  • “I am grateful for my favourite toy” 

Another impactful gratitude exercise is to create a gratitude box. Personalise it to suit you, and each day try to add a couple of notes containing things that you are grateful for. 

Whenever you experience one of those days when you are feeling low, you can reach for your gratitude box and remind yourself of what the good things are in your life. 

As you go along following the above mentioned exercises and taking timeout in your day to give gratitude no matter how big or small you will find that your mind automatically starts to feel grateful for the smaller things in life and this will lead to you feeling happier and content.

Gratitude meditations are an amazing way to start your journey towards your overall well-being, because it enables you to perform two of the most powerful happiness practices at the same time. 

If you are ready to start your gratitude journey please check out Miracles Dubai’s upcoming meditations and join us in giving thanks and allowing happiness and ease to flow into your life.

Upcoming Events – Miracles – Self Empowerment & Wellness Center Dubai, UAE (miraclesworldwide.com)

By Jane Elizabeth – Wellness Consultant and Practitioner at Miracles Wellness Center