Fitness Speak with Ajinkya Gaikwad

“Whatever manifests itself in the physical realm has roots in the mental and emotional realm,” says Ajinkya Gaikwad, Holistic Fitness and Peak Performance Coach, based in Dubai. We talk to him and find out more on this.

Please tell us about yourself and your fitness journey.

My fitness journey started at the age of 15 when my father, a Judo player insisted that I join a gym and took me to one of the oldest gyms in Pune, India where I spent the initial few years of my teens.  I continued to work out with knowledge gained from fitness and bodybuilding magazines that I found in my dad’s library and also a paper scrap shop that sold old magazines and books. Fascinated by the armor-plated look of Arnold Schwarzenneger, I kept working, hoping to one day build a physique like him. All this while, I had also developed a love for music, which eventually turned into a profession as a DJ.

A couple of years later, I moved to Mumbai where I studied to become an audio engineer and frequented the gym a few days a week. After completing my education in audio engineering, I moved to Goa, where I spent the next eight years working and traveling around India and Europe. The lifestyle was super-fast and stressful. I was juggling between mega commercial events as well as smaller events like concerts and DJ parties. This resulted in prolonged neglect of my health through lack of sleep, nutrition, exercise, and recovery.

Eventually, my body gave up and I found myself bedridden with ligament tears in both my knees. The inability to perform like before took a toll on my mental health and I started sinking into depression. I visited numerous doctors and psychologists and finally came to terms with the fact that I had to prioritize my health and fitness.

From this point, I strived to regain my lost self and got a formal education in fitness science, nutrition, and peak performance. I tried all the techniques I learned on myself and made substantial progress.

In 2012, I started coaching some of my acquaintances, who referred me to clients in the U.S.A, Europe, and here in the U.A.E.

In 2019, I decided to make Dubai my base and here I am.

What is your first mode of approach for a client?

One of the most important aspects of coaching is the understanding that every individual is a multi-faceted being, with multiple responsibilities, ambitions, and goals.

My primary objective is to understand each client and assess what matters most to him or her and then develop a strategic toolkit through coaching, that the client can reach out to and utilize whenever they need to.

What is the process like?

The process starts with meeting the client and understanding their objective. I take the time to understand if the client and I are a good match for each other. Yes, that is a real thing – the best results are guaranteed when the trainer and client are compatible and can harmoniously work together toward achieving fitness goals.

Once I understand the client’s requirements and feel confident about adding value to their fitness journey as a trainer, I work on a client-specific plan. This includes input from my network of osteopaths, physiotherapists, yoga doctors, and psychologists as and when it is required.

How do you incorporate mind, and body training together?

It is well-known that whatever manifests itself in the physical realm has roots in the mental and emotional realm. Similarly, a person’s weight gain or ailments have a strong psychological component and vice versa.

I work with my client to help them uncover the underlying causes behind their health issues and then help them to work on a mutually agreeable pathway to address these issues for the long haul. I incorporate testing methods rooted in behavior change psychology and techniques from NLP, EFT, Yoga to help my clients live better and healthier lives.

What would be your go-to advice for someone struggling with motivation and drive?

Act first, then motivation follows.  Do what you can with what you have. Take it one step at a time.

What’s your favorite example of a challenge you’ve overcome with a client?

As human beings, we pick up a lot of unnecessary and potentially detrimental, limiting beliefs about ourselves and the world at large. My work with my clients has a lot to do with breaking these limiting beliefs and helping them become the best versions of themselves.

Helping clients manage Diabetes and avoid bariatric surgery are two challenges I consider I was able to help overcome as a coach.

To see my clients live happier and fuller lives without excessive reliance on medical or surgical interventions drives me as a trainer.

What is your “why” that drives you?

Having endured physical and mental suffering due to my health issues, I feel deeply for anyone going through pain. I believe that life is a gift that should be celebrated. My vision is to show as many people as possible how to lead a strong, pain-free life physically and emotionally.

What would you say is your secret that helps you bring out the transformations and sets you apart from other coaches?

It wouldn’t be a secret if I gave it out now, would it?

Jokes aside, there is no secret sauce to health and fitness. We all know we should look after our health and stay fit. It is just a matter of the right intention and energies coming together to help an individual embrace the discipline it requires, be equipped with correct information, and get the right motivation.

Your top wellness tips for our readers:

  • Stay away from overstimulation of any kind – coffee or social media – too much of anything is a problem
  • Try to sleep and wake up at the same time every day
  • Prioritize sleep, movement (exercise), and nutrition in that order
  • Eat home-cooked meals
  • Please stop believing in fad diets