Are you angry all the time?

If your temper is taking charge of all that you do, you must read all about the art of Anger Management by Indrani Sinha, Miracles Wellness.

Anger Management is the art of learning to disconnect, disentangle and dissociate with all those triggers that stop and block one from functioning at their highest and best potential. It is the process of learning to recognize signs that you’re becoming reactive, frustrated and or angry, and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a positive and productive way. 

Anger management doesn’t try to keep you from feeling anger or encourage you to hold it in. Anger is a normal, healthy emotion when you know how to express it appropriately — anger management is about learning how to do this. It helps you recognize frustrations early and resolve them in a way that allows you to express your needs and maintain your calm and overall control and objectivity.

Strong emotions are both a cause of, and a result of conflict, both internal and external. People in conflict may have a variety of strong, and often negative emotions–anger, distrust, disappointment, frustration, confusion, worry, or fear. These emotions often mask the substantive issues in dispute. However, the emotions, too, are real and must be dealt with. 

Anger I have observed through daily life and with my work as a therapist and wellness consultant is usually a symptomatic expression of some deeper emotion that may be tucked away in the shadows. The person over time gets used to anger being the response instead of truly diving deep within to address what’s causing the reaction which is labeled as anger. Over time the energy of anger can get lodged in the cells of the body and create physiological issues, discomfort and disease.

There are innumerable easy to apply techniques for managing these toxic emotions that are under the umbrella of Anger and once we understand the correlation between Thought-Emotion-Energy-Physical Body we realize the need to release and manage this controlling emotion. 

The awareness enables us to learn and use these techniques and makes one self-reliant in managing day to day issues as well as deep rooted issues that hinder a person’s sense of wellbeing. 

Some of the techniques I suggest are –

1.     Write about what/who angers you. Elaborate your feelings and triggers. Be detailed. The more you elaborate the lighter you begin to feel as the suppressed emotions are addressed and acknowledged and then once you feel you’ve penned it all, burn the pages you’ve written on. Put the ashes in water and flush them away. A few times of doing this will create a sense of lightness and also bring about an awareness that’s going to enable you to be objective and less reactive. This can help release anger in a safe and non-confrontational way. The wisdom that flows from the application of this tool is very empowering.

2.     Deep Breathing and visualization – when done regularly, one begins to feel the ease within as the pent-up emotions are freed from the body, heart and mind.

3.     Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy and Trans-personal Regression – I use these to help innumerable clients with anger issues. When the sub personality who feels angry is addressed in the sessions, the deep-rooted cause behind the anger and allied emotions are addressed and neutralized. The awareness and closure enable the client to feel the lightness and objectivity.

4.     Meditation – daily meditation and ‘pranayam’ helps to relieve the mind and body of this controlling emotion.

I can’t stress more on the need in today’s fast paced life to address this emotion and its allied ones, as, if it’s not addressed, anger can create havoc with one’s overall wellbeing and have far reaching consequences in various aspects of one’s life.

Let go and let flow and be in charge of your space – within and without! 

Visit Miracles Wellness Center to book your session today!