Healing with The Body Code™

Our bodies store trauma, trapped and suppressed emotions, as well as emotions that we have inherited from our ancestors. This creates challenges on a physical, emotional and spiritual level, making it harder to live to our truest potential. Rreema Aidasahnni tells us about The Body Code™, a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help you uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness, and suffering in body and spirit to make corrections right on the spot.

Body Code™ is an energy healing and wellness modality that was developed by holistic chiropractor  Dr. Bradley Nelson. It’s a form of energy work that is designed to identify and correct imbalances that can cause physical and emotional problems.

A lot of the imbalances we release in a session is from the energy body such as:

  • Trapped emotions: These are emotions that have been suppressed/trapped into our physical and energetic body. We are enslaved by our emotions because no one ever taught us how to deal with them. As a result, these emotions become part of our energetic body, affecting our organs, our health, creativity, relationships, finances and other areas as well. We trap emotions on an everyday basis; when we have an argument, when someone cuts us while driving, traumatic incidents, etc.
  • Balancing the chakras, and meridians which are energy systems in our body.
  • We look into limiting beliefs, suggestions, and broadcast messages that are contributing to a particular challenge.

There is a physical side as well, where we look at toxins, nutritional deficiencies and structural imbalances and address those according to whatever we believe the client’s body needs. The body has its own healing system, and it knows what to do to heal itself, so we basically just remove any imbalances that are blocking the body’s ability to heal.

The Heart-Wall®:

One of the most beautiful and powerful things we do with the Body Code method is to release the Heart-Wall®.

The Heart-Wall® is a shield or wall around our heart. Have you ever had that physical sensation of what we call a heartache? It’s a feeling of discomfort or heaviness in the chest. This wall is made up of trapped emotions. When we face obstacles repeatedly throughout our lives, our subconscious mind constructs an energy wall to protect us from sadness, loss, suffering, and other negative emotions.

Having a Heart-Wall® can cause a multitude of issues for people such as:

  • Inability to give or receive love
  • Feeling sad or depression
  • Anxiety
  • Blocks in relationships
  • Blocks to financial abundance
  • Physical imbalances

Who & How Can It Help?

Body code sessions can help humans as well as animals. These sessions can help with:

  • Physical discomfort
  • Clearing trauma
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Feelings of sadness, loneliness and more
  • Lack of clarity and motivation
  • Financial and relationship blocks
  • Anger issues
  • Organ functions
  • Sleep issues

And much more!

What can you expect in a session?

Your subconscious mind is highly intelligent and holds all the answers to your problems.

In a session, I simply connect with the client’s subconscious mind and communicate with it using muscle testing. There are multiple ways to muscle test, but I prefer to use a pendulum. Then, I use specific questions and charts to locate the imbalances communicated by the mind. These imbalances can be emotional ones such as; trapped emotions, beliefs, memories or physical ones such as toxins, misalignments etc. Once the imbalance is identified, I release the energy by swiping magnetic energy through the governing meridian, which can be generated by our hands or a simple magnet. Once it is released, your body has the space to heal, thus releasing emotional baggage.

During the entire session, the client is fully aware of what is happening. The beautiful thing about Body Code™ is that the client doesn’t have to share any information or talk about their struggles (unless they want to). A lot of people don’t want to go into the details of their issues and traumas, thus Body Code™ is an excellent technique for them.

Body Code sessions can be done online, in-person and even remotely. After the session, I share a detailed report of what was released in the session.

To book a session or to have a free 15 minute consultation:

For your personal session Contact:

Rreema Aidasahnni


Instagram: @soulence.byr