Why is it important to strengthen the immune system?

When it comes to fighting viruses, everyday protections such as washing your hands often and avoiding sick people are key. But experts say that boosting your immune system is key to staying healthy. Rohit Jaiswal, Chief Operating Officer, Dabur International tells us more.

What are the best ways to strengthen immune system?

Strengthening the immune system is very important to fight against seasonal viruses like flu. There are several ways to develop and strengthen the immune system that we recommend apart from taking our immune strengthening herbal supplement Dabur Chyawanprash:

  • Frequent and moderate exercise helps to boost the circulation and increase immunity
  • Consuming foods rich in Vitamin C (Oranges, Strawberries, Broccoli, etc) & Vitamin D (Eggs, Cheese, Tofu, Mushrooms, etc) strengthens immunity
  • Include lots of vegetables, fruits, low-fat milk and whole grains in the diet
  • The possibility of infections can be reduced by following certain rituals such as brushing your teeth twice daily, properly washing your hands before consuming food and trimming nails to keep them neat and tidy.
  • Consume immunity boosting foods such as watermelon, wheat germ, yogurt, spinach, sweet potato, broccoli, garlic, ginger, pomegranate juice,etc for improving the overall immunity
  • Get adequate sleep as sleep deprivation may suppress immune function

How does Dabur Chyawanprash act as a healthy immunity system stimulator?

Immunity is in the forefront of news these days as the battle for success against COVID-19 largely depends on how strong the patient’s immune system is.  Our product Dabur Chyawanprash is a time-tested Ayurvedic formulation of more than 41 Ayurvedic herbs that aid in boosting the immune system, including the prime ingredient Amla (Indian Gooseberry), which is the world’s richest source of Vitamin C thereby protecting the body from everyday infections like cough and cold etc. caused by bacteria, viruses, dust and weather change. Chyawanprash is made of various herbs such as Pippali, Giloy, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Mulethi, Gokshura among others.

Health benefits of Dabur Chyawanprash include:

  • Stimulates immunity
  • Prevents infections
  • Clears respiratory passages
  • Enhances energy and Improves strength
  • Supports healthy heart
  • Promotes healthy cholesterol
  • Revitalizes skin cells

Dabur Chyawanprash can be taken by people from all age groups- kids, adults and elderly people alike for supreme health benefits.

Moreover, Dabur Chyawanprash is accredited with various clinical studies published in reputed journals which has proven its efficacy to boost immunity.

Chyawanprash can be taken once a day, where people can add one to two spoonsful along with a glass of milk or water.