The re-emergence of Reiki

Reiki has traditionally been an ancient healing technique and has seen a tremendous revival these days. Melanie Gordon examines this healing modality in the modern context.

Becoming attuned to Reiki has become a turning point in many modern-day healers’ lives.  Reiki is a result of universal love and in these times of change, a much-needed commodity.  The laying on of hands and a healing touch has been practiced for centuries. Reiki can be used on every part of us and is a reminder that at times we need to re-balance and re-charge ourselves. It is a sophisticated system of harnessing the body’s powers and activating inner energies in such a way as to realign the mind and body, so they are at optimum capacity.

Traditional Reiki can be traced back to the times of the Bible and also Buddha. It is said that he performed healing on people, which was in turn was performed by other monks in order to help those most in need.  Many of the spiritual healing methods have been lost in time but the ethos of love and the path to enlightenment remains. Reiki is a Japanese word and was spread though the East through a monk called Usui who made it his quest to help others. He named the healing energy Reiki – meaning universal love force.

When we are hurt it is instinctive to place our hands at the site of the pain.  Animals lick their wounds and also their babies as a way to comfort themselves and their young. Touch is warmth, empathy and comfort. It is the life force that is without religion and is of an unlimited source.  Giving Reiki healing is the receiving of that energy from the practitioner to the client. When the energy is received many feel warmth, and some can see colours.  There is a gentle feeling of peace and the process of realignment begins. It is healing for the whole person. 

It does not matter if you do not believe in Reiki. All you have to do is to be open and to give yourself permission to feel that there is something else that can also help alongside traditional western medicine. Something non-invasive and gentle. If you have any ailments you should always check with your doctor first.  Reiki is an added bonus to western medicine and should not be used as the only solution to any illnesses. If the healing is refused or blocked or the person can feel nothing whilst the session is ongoing then don’t worry, the Reiki healing is still taking place, it is still happening. The Ki energy (the life force energy of the universe that flows though all living things) can heal very quickly and can also be used charge crystals breathing techniques can be incorporated to help calm the mind and body. 

Engage! Give yourself more opportunities to new and different ways to look into life, look into the possibilities that Reiki can give you a more balanced way forward.

Melanie Gordon.

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