Calm Mind and Restore Equilibrium

A lot you may be feeling nervous and overwhelmed with the current stay-at-home order. Many of you are learning how to work from home, while also figuring out kids and home-schooling. For some, you may be feeling lonely. Melanie Gordon tells us how to cope…

Our world at the moment has changed. It is at this time when we are stuck inside the house with our families and children are being home schooled that we realise that we can’t remember how to divide fractions! Suddenly we have to become experts in unfamiliar subjects and the composition of blood for the next science question becomes a pressing issue. Sulking teenagers around the house and small children who really need go outside. Working from home with all the interruptions and having a spouse there all the time.  This can all add up to a huge amount of irritation, tension and arguments can brew. At this time, we are all frightened and uncertain of when the virus will end and when we can go back to normal life. Take a deep breath, we might be here for a while yet and before we descend into snapping at each other try to step away and think of a few positives that could come from this situation.

Trying to understand our differences and fighting fear with love is a hard thing to do, trying to remember boundaries and not just the two meters away from each other but this also means not pushing each other’s buttons and evoking an argument.  Things can go nuclear pretty quickly and there are few places to run to.  When we are stressed, we put up walls and often feel resentful about work interruptions or something mundane like who has not loaded the dishwasher.  Try to hold on to the positives of this situation and let go of the negatives.  It is important to put some balance into the situation. This may be the last time you will be living with a member of your family for a long period of time.  Relish these moments.  Try to banish that overwhelming feeling of being hemmed in and find a middle ground that suits everyone you are sharing a space with.

When we become depressed, we start to over think about what is going to happen next week, next month…slow down, just do today.  Look at the reality of the situation, things will change soon.  The reality we find ourselves in is not a permanent state. It won’t be like this forever. Today we have enough food and a roof over our heads. Take stock of what is around you and be grateful for the small things in life. If you have a garden go outside and listen to the sounds all around you. Look at what there is around you. There are future opportunities to come from this situation and a world to look forward to. 

Whilst some may be struggling with business closures at the end of this, we will be able to take stock and have a new way of learning and co-operating. This is a tremendous learning curve, so it is important to create new routines to survive and thrive. Working from home has changed the dynamics of home life and has put pressure on our communication skills. Whilst sticking to some routine can certainly help, especially for those of us who have small children, (bed times and meal times should stay the same), there are now new opportunities to take advantage of such as on line courses in that subject you’ve always been interested in, the chance to learn a language or teach our children how to cook.  We have had to examine how we behave in a way that has never been expected of us before. There is no right or wrong way, this is all uncharted territory for all of us.   Stay calm, stay safe, look for the good and create your own haven of calm.  We can all get through this.


Hello!  My name is Melanie Gordon and I have run my own business Tocaso Holisics for a number of years.  I have taught 4-year olds to seniors within my Sanctuary as well as children in a number of different schools in the South Coast of England.  I trained originally in Asia and continued my training in the UK to level 4 standard Yoga, Pilates and Meditation teacher, I hold Diplomas in Yoga, Pilates and Meditation and am REPs Level 3 qualified.  I have now moved to Dubai where I am pursuing my practice.