Achieve Inner and Outer Harmony with Space Clearing

In the past year, the world has spent more time than ever at home, and there isn’t a more important time to do space clearing, to keep your home energy flowing, clean and fresh, says Delna Mistry Anand.

The practice of space clearing has its roots in many ancient cultures such as Middle Eastern, African, Native American and Asian. Native Americans used herbs like sage and cedar to smudge their spaces, as they believed that the smoke from these herbs pulls in the negative energies. These energies then dissipate with the smoke, leaving the space clean and clear to welcome good energies amongst them. 

Salt was (and still is) used in Middle Eastern and Asian cultures to cleanse space. In Northern Indian and Tibetan tradition, Himalayan Salt is often mixed with the queen of spices – saffron to ward away evil and negative entities. In Peru, the sacred Despacho ceremony is performed to restore peaceful energies between people, nature and other spirits. Other cultures use prayer, chants or mantras, or apply the principles of Feng Shui, Vaastu to ensure a deep clearing of any negative energies or blocks to success. Whichever method is used across the world and through centuries, it is commonly believed that clearing spaces of pre-existing energy and filling them with new, positive energy is important for a happy life.

So while the practice is age-old, the reason is relevant even in today’s times, is simple : just as we see dust and clutter accumulating in our homes on a physical level, the same happens on an energetic level too. It’s just that we cannot always see it energetically.

The phrase ‘you can cut the tension in the air with a knife probably comes from where the energy is so intense, that one can sense it. These intense energies create a build up and blockage. Arguments, grief, illnesses all add to a negative energetic build-up and our home spirals into a lower vibration, as the ‘flow’ of energy is blocked. Just as we need to clean our homes, redecorate, clear garbage, the same is true energetically.

What is Space Clearing:

Space clearing is basically the ritual of clearing the space of your home, on an energetic level.

You must have noticed that the more time you spend at home, the more housework you need to do to keep it looking and feeling fresh. Similarly, the more energetic residues also builds up and requires clearing.

And that is why space clearing has become so important, especially in the intense times that we are living in right now. It is recommended that a space clearing session should be done at your home at least once a year. And even  more often if a family member has experienced a troubled situation, illness, loss etc. Even if you have just moved into a new house, it is important to clear the residual energies of the previous occupant.

To put it simply, unless you space clear regularly, you will be living amongst unwanted frequencies of your past. The imprint of all those arguments, feelings of anxiety, stress, grief… are held in those walls of your home, making it harder to recover completely. Of course, it is equally important to remove physical clutter, as they represent layers of stagnant energy in your home. Space clearing brings in new, higher frequencies that help you to move forward.

How can you space clear your own home

You can always use a light form of space clearing every time you clean your home on a physical level. There are several methods that work beautifully, find your favourite, most enjoyable way of space clearing and use it often.

How to Cleanse Your Home Of Negative Energy

1. Burn sage or incense sticks and let the cleansing smoke clear your home space.

Simply light an incense or place sage in a fire-safe container and light until you see a flame. Blow it out. Fan the embers while spreading smoke thoroughly into every corner of each room, and place the intention to clear all negative and heavy energies away. 

2. Sound healing

Sound breaks the negative energy, so you may use Tibetan Bowls, gongs, ting shaws or just clap all through the house.Start at the main entrance and move clockwise through your home, until you’ve made a full loop. You may chant your prayers or intention as you do this.

3. Cleanse your house with salt.

Through centuries, salt has been used for cleaning, cleaning and healing.

You can fill sea water in a bottle and pour it into your mop water, or sprinkle it in the four corners of each room of your house. You can also place a thin line of sea salt in front of your home’s entrance. You may place a small bowl of salt on your altar. Using Himalayan salt lamps is also calming.

4. Make your home fragrant with lemon

You can simmer lemon peels in water and let the steam scent your space, or leave small bowls of fresh lemon slices around your home. Alternatively you can also use lemon essentials oils in a diffuser.

5. Welcome plants into your space

While it is quite common for families to use plants to decorate their homes, did you know that these gorgeous greens can also boost positive vibes and increase the flow of energy into space. They purify air, amplify the sense of well-being and rid you of stress. Peace lily, jasmine, Chinese money plants, spider plants, snake plants, jade plants are all beautiful to bring into your home.

6. Spring Cleaning

With Spring coming up, it’s a good time to clear out the winter energies and welcome the light, vibrant feel of Spring. Remove physical clutter and allow fresh air to circulate in your home. Give away what you don’t need, throw away what is of no use and donate if someone can benefit from the items. Keep the flow moving. Open out your windows at least once a day, even in peak summer to keep the circulation.

7. Play chants or peaceful music in your home

It is beautiful to start your day by playing chants or meditative music out loud.

8. Pray

Prayers and a pure intention to protect your home and your family is the purest form of space clearing.

Make energetic cleansing your space a regular part of your life and you will start to feel lighter, brighter, and more inspired.

If the energies in your house are particularly intense, don’t hesitate to call a trusted professional space clearing expert to help.

Delna is a space clearing healer. Using the B&C Method of pendulum dowsing, she energetically clears space, even remotely. With the help of a Trinity pendulum, she is able to detect the imbalances in the various areas of your home such as the home’s Wealth spot, Abundance spot, Power spot and Health spot. She clears the imbalances and allows the energies to align, restoring a sense of balance, peace, harmony, abundance, good health, love, laughter and prosperity.

Delna is giving a special rate to Yoga Life readers for their first session of space clearing. You may contact her on Instagram @delnaanand