10 tips to alleviate stress and anxiety in the wake of the pandemic

Stress and Anxiety during challenging times such as the Covid-19 pandemic is very understandable and normal as we haven’t faced such an unexpected challenge in a long time. Taking care of one’s mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health becomes paramount during these times, says Neha Bali.

Everyone feels different sometimes. It’s important to remember it is OK to feel this way and that everyone reacts differently – for most of us, these difficult feelings will pass. Don’t underestimate or overestimate the stress and anxiety you are feeling! See it as it is, as a response to an unexpected challenge.

The first step towards healing is recognizing the symptoms of anxiety and stress. The next, is to acknowledge and accept that you are anxious. Once you acknowledge that you are feeling anxious, it is important to recognize WHY you are anxious so that you can work on this aspect of your life. It is important to understand that our thoughts create our beliefs which further create our emotions. Understanding this fact is very important for all of us as its important to know that it is within our hands to live consciously with positive thoughts and feelings.

In order to take positive action, you need to make changes in your lifestyle so that you generate joyful and healthy feelings. This requires a subtle change in the way you think about your daily activities like working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling/college, taking care of aged parents, isolation, going to office, taking care of home without help, health issues etc.. We need to change our relationship with “Anxiety and Stress”. This is the best time to introspect, heal and transform so that you can face the existing challenges in an optimistic way.

There are simple things you can do to help take care of your mental and emotional health and wellbeing during times of uncertainty. Doing so will help you think clearly, and make sure you can look after yourself and those you care about.

It is a commitment you will have to make to yourself that “I will look after myself by following the path that will make me feel good, come what may”.

Here are 10 useful tips for all of you to overcome “Anxiety and Stress”

  1. Acknowledge and accept that you have Anxiety:

Once you recognize the symptoms of anxiety and stress in you, simply sit in one place and take a couple of quick deep successive inhales from the nostrils and deeply exhale once from the mouth. Do this say 5 times, till you calm down.

  • Talking Really helps:

Share your concern with somebody you trust who will be compassionate. Basically, offloading may help in releasing your pent-up feelings. Remember, it’s OK to share your concerns and worries with others you trust – and doing so may help them too.

If you cannot speak to someone you know or if doing so has not helped, contact a trained therapist/counsellor/helpline. Journaling and writing everyday also helps release feelings of anxiety.

  • Connect with People:

Maintaining healthy relationships with people you trust is important for your mental wellbeing. Stay in touch with friends and family when you cannot meet in person. You could schedule time each week to speak over the phone or make time for regular video calls.

In today’s times we all need to feel connected. It’s a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends. Helping others is also a great way of feeling useful and happy.

  • Focus on the NOW:

       Thinking about the future or the past doesn’t help, living in the now is the name of the game. Having a routine will immensely help as it will keep you focused and busy.

       Make sure to include your hobbies and other pleasurable activities in your daily to-do list!

  • Look after your Body:

Walking in nature, exercising, breathwork, adequate sleep and eating healthy releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones in your body. This has been scientifically proven. So, pick up something you love like cycling, dancing, experimenting with healthy recipes, meditation etc. that you will do consistently. Having a “buddy” will help as he/she can help you remain on track. Remember, progress is the key and not perfection.

  • Stay away from Negative news /Social media:

You might also want to consider limiting the time you spend watching, reading or listening to coverage of the outbreak, including on social media for some time. If you must know, read from authentic news channels. Instead watch comedy or motivational videos/audios etc.

  • Do things you Enjoy that are Value driven:

This is the best time to indulge and do the things that bring you joy. Do not feel “Guilty”. The internet is a powerhouse of information and entertainment (in a restricted way of course)

There is so much to do. Pamper yourself, dress up, join holistic healing courses, listen to free talks/podcasts, watch movies, play games, cook with family and so much more. (all in a balanced way!)

  • Set Boundaries:

In today’s times, it is absolutely necessary to look after yourself. Taking all precautions that matter to you like social distancing/wearing a mask/staying at home/taking the vaccine/meeting on online platforms not in person is important. Setting your own boundaries and respecting others is also very important. Do everything that keeps you safe as that will reduce the stress and anxiety.

  • Take help:

If anxiety persists for days or weeks, take the help of a therapist/counsellor/professional. It is important to know that there is no shame in getting professional help when you cannot overcome your own issues. It does not make one weak-minded or fragile, infact it shows how strong you are. There is absolutely no point in prolonging such an issue when a solution i.e, therapy, is available so readily.

  1. Self-discipline and commitment to self:

Be committed to yourself and your mental and emotional health. Do whatever it takes to keep you balanced, hopeful and happy. SELF-LOVE, kindness and compassion towards self and others will help you tide over these trying times.

About Neha Bali

With over 20 years’ experience, Neha Bali is a practitioner and Coach of healing modalities offering Meditation, E.F.T. (Emotional freedom technique), ThetaHealing®, Therapy and Family constellation amongst others. She has lived and worked in various countries like India, Germany, Russia & UAE and travelled across the globe. With an astute understanding of various cultures and nationalities, Neha’s rich experience of personal growth and practice of life promises to help you understand yourself, heal and transform towards a Better you.

For more information – www.nehabali.com