Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

With Jupiter in the 1st house along with Pluto, Saturn and not to forget eclipses happening in this sector, in the skies around this time – that’s a whole load of energy in your 1st house of the ‘self’ and identity. There’s change abound, and you’re not making any qualms about doing them. For some of you it could mean leaving an old identity behind. This could be altering pre-defined roles such as that of a daughter in law, mother in law, husband or wife as an example – to transform or alter for a newer and happier way of living. For some others of you it could mean leaving an old job that you may have been at for a while. While change is good, for some this may be life-altering as they may have embraced a title or role so much, for so long, that it could have left them with very little knowledge about who they really are. January and 2020 will throw light on that.