10 Unexpected Ways Intuition Changes Your Life

We all have a natural intuition that whispers to us every day. When that little voice in your head speaks up, are you listening? As you become more conscious of your intuition and take steps to enhance and amplify your inner voice, you will find yourself reaping rewards in every area of your life!

Here are just a few of the positive changes you may experience:

  1. Find True Love – By tuning into your “inner-voice”, you align your energy to attract to you the exact person who will love you, empower you and encourage you. Your intuition will tell you the “type” of person that is right for you – so be mindful of subtle signals – psychic thumbs-up or thumbs-down – about that new person in your life!
  2. Achieve Financial Freedom – Your intuition will guide you to make the right choices when it comes to money. When you base your choices on inner “knowing”, you become open to receiving financial abundance in all the different ways and methods the Universe can present it to you.
  3. Choose a Career – Many times the “knowing” seems to be irrational and unrealistic, but in the great cosmic scheme, your soul has traveled through eons of time and had countless experiences. When honored and listened to, your soul will lead you to the career that will best support your gifts and abilities.
  1. Be a Healthier You – By following your inner-awareness and tuning into your body, you’ll instinctively make the choices that are right for you. Trusting that intuitive voice when it comes to your own health lowers stress and brings balance and well-being.
  2. Avoid Toxic People – When you follow your heart, you will easily be able to “read” the energy and atmosphere of others and instantly know who is there to bring a positive energy to your space, and who is not for you, and should be avoided.
  1. Live in Your Dream House – Psychic empowerment even applies to the environment you find yourself in. If you want a specific kind of house, your intuition will lead you to it! You will be amazed how everything falls into place wen the home or apartment you are considering is in sync with your feelings.
  2. Increase Your Creativity – Your soul’s voice will open you up to different levels of being. Creativity is how the soul expresses itself – by opening up to that, your highest self will shine through. Have you ever had the urge to paint a particular scene, or plant something, or write a story – even if you don’t consider yourself an artist or gardener or writer? Listen to your intuition and go for it!
  1. Become More Mindful – Tapping into your intuition not only allows you to become more aware of yourself and your own circumstances, but will help you understand the people who you share the planet with and how to spiritually live as one. Embrace this connection with the world, you and the world will benefit from the perspective it brings.
  2. Become a More “Whole Being” – You are a soul living in a human body. Living in this awareness is one of the most powerful tools you have to integrate the left and right sides of the brain so you are able to identify your life choices evenly from a logistical and spiritual perspective.
  1. Talking to Heaven – To be able to experience your loved ones in the Spirit world, utilize your intuitive powers of sight, feeling and hearing. The Spirit people are always there, longing to connect with you. You can create a wonderful atmosphere for them to come closer when you begin to listen to your knowingness.

By raising your consciousness through the practice of meditation and mindfulness, you can access the knowledge of your soul, as well as clear a pathway to receive divine guidance. You might also wish to take a course to further develop your innate psychic gifts. I’ve created the James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts for those people who want to experience first hand the effect that a boost in their intuitive abilities will have on their life!


By: James Van Praagh

Source: https://www.healyourlife.com