Three skincare tips you wish you knew

Whilst innovation is great, there seems to always be a new technique, ingredient or product on our screens; and it can be easy to neglect even the most basic of skin care steps. Taking care of your skin ranks fairly high on many people’s to-do list, and Peacefull always provides you with the best results for your skin, pure and simple, be it with its products or skincare tips. 

Layer Products From Thinnest To Thickest 

Layer your creams and essences from thinnest to thickest, as this will allow the skin to absorb each layer more effectively. 

Soothe Your Inflammation 

Make sure the products in your routine optimize your skin barrier – not strip it! Products such as the Mugwort Clay Mask Cleanser with its anti-inflammatory ingredients help to reduce chronic inflammation induced by ultraviolet light and airborne pollution.  

Hydrate Inside And Out

The importance of hydration cannot be emphasized enough, especially in a hot climate! Use the Ever Glow Moisturizer, smooth as butter for maximum hydration and comfort with zero greasiness. And, of course, drink around eight glasses of water a day.