Selina Bieber, Commercial Strategy Senior Director, International Markets, GoDaddy: “As more people go on holidays and take time out in the summer, there tends to be a drop in sales and marketing activity. Therefore, it’s important business owners focus on how to make their products and services attractive and adapt to the summer season.”

GoDaddy Inc., the company that empowers everyday entrepreneurs, shared a few vital business tips to boost sales during tough trading times like the summer. This comes as a part of the company’s mission to support start-up owners to survive and sustain their businesses through the ever-changing business trends and seasons. 

Selina Bieber, Commercial Strategy Senior Director, International Markets, stated “As more people go on holidays and take time out in the summer, there tends to be drops in sales and marketing activity. Additionally, according to a report by the web analytics firm SumAll, online shopping figures drop 30% between December and July. Therefore, it’s important business owners focus on how to make their products and services attractive and adapt to the summer season.”

These are some of the digital activities GoDaddy suggests to help small business owners and entrepreneurs grow, or at least sustain their business during summer months:

Remember to plan ahead:

You should always try to prepare, by planning before the summer season starts, initiating the marketing plan 2 months earlier. That way, you can launch it at the beginning of the season. Moreover, after determining the plan, you could conduct an early customer survey to understand their customers’ needs and expectations.

Think outside your region:

Sometimes it is not summertime yet where you sell your products or services.  Therefore, it is always great to look with a wider perspective as there has never been a better time to start an online store. According to statista.com: In 2021, over 2.14 billion people worldwide are expected to buy goods and services online, up from 1.66 billion global digital buyers in 2016. Within the emergence of E-stores, you can think about establishing one for your business and sell globally in places where summer already started. In this regard, you can utilize GoDaddy’s E-store tool to build your own and reach more customers online.

Create a ‘streak’ deal:

Promoting a 48-hour summer sale is a great way to boost sales as creating a specific end time for sale encourages customer engagement. To raise awareness the sale should be shared on different social media platforms to increase your reach with targeted customers. Furthermore, the products put on sale must be irresistible offers to catch customer’s attention. Accordingly, you can promote these deals via GoDaddy E-mail Marketing tool, where you can ensure the maximum reach and bolster online sales through other platforms as well.

Partnering with other businesses:

If your business is not very summer-related, try to collaborate or partner with another businesses. For example, a coffee shop or bakery could consider partnering with a travel agency or a business that booms during summer – like ice cream shops or beachwear brands.

Celebrate special occasions:

There is a “day” for every special occasion. Therefore, you should check your region’s calendar of special days while customizing products and services to fit each occasion. For example, in the Middle East, there are two Eids in the summer season, which could be used to customize offerings to reflect on the festive occasion.

Additionally, an Eid section or an overall Eid themed website can be essential to create a memorable rapport with the customers as well as generate more sales. You can build your business website with GoDaddy Website-Builder, where you can find the best affordable website-building and marketing tools in English as well as in Arabic.    

To learn more about the company visit www.GoDaddy.com.